Funded Research Projects

Current projects:

  1. Equally Safe Online (PI) EPSRC, EP/W025493/1, 2021-2024

  2. Gender Bias in Conversational AI (PI) (EPSRC, EP/T023767/1, 2020-2023)

  3. AISEC (Co-I) - Secure and Explainable AI (EPSRC, EP/T026952/1, 2020-2023)

  4. Apple Research grant on Low Resource NLG

  5. Google Research gift on NLU and Dialog

  6. Adobe grant on Visual Dialog.

Past research projects as PI:

  1. MaDrIgAL (EPSRC, 12/2016-07/2020): MultiDimensional Interaction management and Adaptive Learning

  2. DILiGENt (EPSRC, 2015-2018, PI): Domain-Independent Language Generation, see project poster!

  3. LUCINE - Learning User preferenCes by INtEraction (DataLab, EPSRC Impact Acceleration Award - Collaborative Innovation project with EmoTech, 2016-2018)

  4. Multimodal dialogue for e-commerce (AdeptMind scholarship, 2017-19)

  5. Amazon Alexa Challenge (2017 & 2018)

  6. GUI project - "Generation for Uncertain Information", (EPSRC, EP/L026775/1, 2014-2015)

  7. SpeechCity - EPSRC Impact Acceleration Award: Spatial Navigation and Spoken Interaction (EPSRC, 2013-2014).

  8. ATME project - Summarising sensor data for medical emergencies (Royal Society, 2013-2014).

  9. QAA Student Enhancement fund to implement technology enhanced learning principles in Computer Science courses (QAA, 2014-2015)

Past projects I was involved in as a Researcher:

  • CLASSiC Project: Computational Learning in Adaptive Systems for Spoken Conversation, EC FP7, 2008-2011.

  • TALK Project: Talk and Look - Tools for Ambient Linguistic Knowledge, EC FP6, 2004-2006.

  • CLIMSAVE Project: Climate Change Impacts, vulnerability and adaptation. EC FP7, 2010-11.