2 RSE Scottish Crucible Projects funded
Post date: Sep 11, 2012 3:49:16 PM
The Royal Society of Edinburgh awards small grants to interdisciplinary project proposals from participants of the Scottish Crucible. My two grant proposals have been successful:
Gaming for Sustainable Behavioural Change.
This project explores how computer games can contribute to change individual behaviour to be more environmental friendly by using data from social networks to provide positive learning signals. It integrates methods from psychology, education, computer games and visualisation and social science.
Robert Gordon University (PI), University of Edinburgh, Scottish Agricultural College, Glasgow School of Art, University of Strathclyde, University of Strathclyde, Heriot-Watt University.
AT-ME: Adapting Technology to empower bystanders in Medical Emergencies.
This project will provide an understanding how interactive systems can be used to provide support in medical emergencies. In particular, we will explore how mental modelling techniques can help to adapt the system's behaviour to the estimated cognitive load of the user. It integrates methods from Cognitive Neuroscience, Natural Language Processing, Sociology and medical domain experts.
Partners: Heriot-Watt University (PI), Aberdeen University, Glasgow University,Edinburgh University.