Innovation and Migration


2018, Skilled migration and innovation in European industries with Fassio C. and Montobbio F., Research Policy,

Article: innovation and migration


2017, The import of 'cultural goods' and emigration: an unexplored relation with: Lanati Mauro Series/Number: EUI RSCAS; Discussion paper 2017/24; Migration Policy Centre.

Article: innovation and migration

2017, High-skilled Immigration and Innovation, with Sona Kalantaryan and Claudio Fassio in Mathias Czaika High Skilled Migration, Drivers and Politics, Oxford University Press, pp-151-175.

Article: innovation and migration


2015, Innovation and human capital: age, skills and ethnicity. A study on France, Germany and UK, with C. Fassio and F. Montobbio, Druid Society, JEL Codes: O31, O33, F22, J61.

Article: innovation and migration

2015, Human resources and innovation: total factor productivity and foreign human capital, by C. Fassio, S. Kalantaryan, A. Venturini, MPC Research Paper, 43 and IZA Discussion Papers 9422.

Working paper: innovation and migration

2015, Do native and migrant workers contribute to innovation?: patents dynamic in France, Germany and the UK, with C. Fassio and F. Montobbio, MPC Research paper 41.

Working paper: innovation and migration

2015, How do native and migrant workers contribute to innovation?, with C. Fassio and F. Montobbio, Department of Economics and Statistics Cognetti de Martiis. Working Papers 201520, University of Turin.

Working paper: innovation and migration

2015, How Do Native and Migrant Workers Contribute to Innovation? A Study on France, Germany and the UK, with C. Fassio and F. Montobbio, IZA discussion paper, 2015/9062.

Discussion paper: innovation and migration


2013, Innovation and Human Capital: the Role of Migration, by A. Venturini, MPC-RSCAS Policy Brief, 2013/10.

Policy brief: innovation and migration


2012, Comments on Quantifying the Impact of Highly Skilled Emigration on Developing countries, in T. Boeri, H. Brucker, F. Docquier, H. Rapoport, Brain Drain and Brain Gain, Oxford University Press, 302-307.

Article: innovation and migration

2012, Are migrants spurring innovation, by F. Montobbio, C. Fassio and A. Venturini, MPC research report, 2012/11.

Research paper: innovation and migration

2012, Do migrants spur innovation?, by N. Sinha and A. Venturini, MPC Policy Brief.

Policy brief: innovation and migration

2012, Innovation and Migration, MPC Analytical Note, 2012/05.

Research paper: innovation and migration


2010, Talented Migration, EUI Review, n. 4, pp. 7-8.

Article: innovation and migration


2008, Development and Migration: Lessons from Southern Europe, with R. Faini, CHILD WP n.10/2008.

Working paper: innovation and migration