Curriculum Vitae
1971-1977 Laurea Degree in Economics at the Faculty of Political Science of the University of Florence.
15/10/1982 Ph.D in Economics at the European University Institute of Florence.
Present Academic Position
Professor of Political Economy at the University of Torino.
Holder of the Jean Monnet Chair in European Migration Studies
Director of the Diploma in Migration Studies
2017-2022 Associate at Migration Policy Centre, MEDAM Project, at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, EUI, Fiesole;
Expert for the European Commission
Previous Position
2012-2017, Founder and former Deputy Director MPC-EUI.
2014-2016, member of the board of the Compagnia di San Paolo.
2004-2011, Deputy Director CARIM project, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, EUI, Florence
2008-June, Visiting Professor at COMPAS, Oxford.
2005, Professor of Political Economy at the Law Faculty, of the University of Torino.
2001-2005, Associate Professor of Political Economy at the Law Faculty, of the University of Torino.
1998-2001, Associate Professor of Political Economy at the Political Science Faculty, of the University of Padova.
1992-1998, Assistant Professor at the University of Bergamo.
1992, Visiting Researcher at the Migration Department of International Labour Organization, Geneva.
1985-1992, Assistant Professor at the University of Florence.
1988, Visiting Professor of Labour Economics at the Oversees Study Program of the Stanford University in Florence.
1987, Visiting Researcher at the International Institute of Labour Studies of the ILO, Geneva.
1986, Visiting Fellow at the Institute of Development Studies, Sussex University, Brighton.
1982, Visiting Professor at the Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island, U.S.A.
1977, Internship at the European Economics Commission at the General Directorate V Social Affairs.
Course Tought
2016-24 Jean Monet Module Migration in Europe
2014-2018 University of Turin The Economics of migration for the Master in International Sciences. Economic and `Management of Master in management of Human Resources at the Development: Demography Master in Low and Economics and Migration, ILOTC
2004-2015 Torino, Master in Management of Development, Lecture in The comparative advantage and the movement of factors of production.
2004-2014 Univerisity of Torino. Macro-Economics and Political Economy, Introduction to Statistic Analyses at the Department of Law. Economic and Management of Human Resources at the Master in Low and Economics. Seminar on: The European Central Bank.
2003 - 2018 Torino, Master in Managing Development jointly organized by the University of Torino and the ILO, Lectures on “Trade and Development”.
2002-2003 University of Torino. Macro-Economics and Political Economy. Introduction to Statistic Analyses at the Deparment of Law. Selected topics in Monetary Economics: The Central Bank, the Central Banks and BCE. Selected topics in Labour Economics, The Labour Policies.
2002 Fiesole, IUE, Fourth Annual Mediterranean Programme Summer School, Migration in the Euro-Mediterrean Area; Demographic, Economic, Legal, Political and Social Dimensions, Lectures on “The Economic Effect of Migration”.
2001-2002 University of Torino. Macro-Economics and Political Economy at the Department of Law. Selected topics in the Applied Economics Course at the Political Science Department.
2000-2002 University of Padova. Labour Economics at the Political Science Department. The Economics of Immigration at the Political Science Department.
1998-2000 University of Padova, Macro-Economics and Political Economy.
1992-1998 University of Bergamo, Macro-Economics.
1997-1998 University of Torino, Factors Mobility and International Trade.
1995-1997 University of Torino, Unemployment dynamics, Factors Mobility and International Trade.
1991-1993 University of Florence, Microeconomics.
1989-1990 University of Florence Microeconomics, coordinator of the European Module on Labour Markets in Europe, the International Financial Markets in Europe and the European International Trade.
1988-1989 University of Florence, Labour Economics at the Ph.D. Program of Florence.
1984-1986 University of Florence, Micro Economics.
1983 Workshop on the Organization and Development of National Statistics, problems of Social Statistics in Developing Countries.