Alessandra Venturini
Alessandra Venturini
Full Professor, ChairJean Monnet European Migration Studies , Department of Economics University of Torino,
Campus "Luigi Einaudi" Lungo Dora Siena, 100/A 10153, Torino.
Directors Diploma Migration Studies
Member of the board of the Cultural Welfare Center
Former Deputy director Migration Policy Centre (MPC) European University Institute (EUI) 50133, Florence.
Member of Expert Group Migration Policies European Commission
Co Chair of the G20 Task Force on Migration
She holds a Ph.D. in Economics from the EUI, and held professor positions at the Universities of Florence, Bergamo, and Padova. She has also held visiting positions at Brown University, the Institute of Development Studies (Sussex University), and the International Institute of Labor Studies at the ILO in Geneva. She has collaborated with the OECD migration section, the European Commission Migration Programme, CEPR Migration Research program, and the World Bank. She is a fellow at the IZA, CHILD, FIERI, and member of IMISCOE-DIVCULT board.
Her research interests are in Labour Economics, with a focus on the effects of migration and on foreigners’ assimilation in the destination country, on the effect of remittances and high skilled migration in sending countries and on circular and irregular migration. Recently she focus on the consumption of cultural goods of migrant as driver of migrant integration and she run a seminar COCUMINT recorded on this field.