
An email from on of my students...

Hi Beth,

I took your course "Myofascial Release: From the Surface to the Depths" this weekend in San Ramon, CA. I very much enjoyed this course! I am a fairly new physical therapist (2 yrs experience), and I was beginning to stagnate in my career (home health). I finally found the part of physical therapy that inspires me and challenges me while at your course. I practiced some of the techniques I learned on my mom and dad, and the sigmoid release was particularly effective for my dad (decreased his hip pain and back pain) and the diaphragm releases were particularly effective along with the sacrum release for my mom. She was limping from anterior hip pain (referred from the back), and ended with a normal gait and no pain!

I wanted to thank you so very much for your patience, good vibes, and sharing your vast knowledge and experience about anatomy. You are a great role model for a novice P.T. like me. I look forward to learning anatomy and physiology, refining my clinical skills and judgment, and most of all, helping people in the healing process. I look forward to the next time you are teaching in the Bay Area of CA.

Warmest Regards,

Leah Flores, PT

From a former client:

In the 10 session time span much was accomplished. Goinf for residual shingles face apin, she was inclusive with the entire system to provide healing. Very powerful sessions. Increase energy, decrease pain level, increase openess with decrease holding. She works on levels of spiritual healing and physical healing, and emotional well being. Thank you Beth.

From another former client:

Dear Beth,

As I think about your work I would describe the following things:

You are a bridge - the ability to bridge the visible and the invisible

- an ecosystem of Being - the ability to work holistically connecting multiple dimensions and levels- emotional, physical, energetic, spiritual, imaginal, and mystery dimensions; at the individual, personal,communal, mythic, global, and cosmic levels.

- a Connector and Channel - the ability to connect with and Channel the wisdom/ intelligence/ love of the greater matrix of Life.

- a Seer - the power to see meaningful images of a deeper truth.

- a Gatherer - Soul Retrieval - assisting others to gather fragmented parts of self -Soul to from a new synthesis - whole.

- Kin - A great capacity for Kindness.
