Muscle Energy Techniques

Muscle energy to me is the foundation of manual therapy. It was developed in the 1950’s by Fred Mitchell Sr. D.O. Years later- his son Fred Mitchell Jr. wrote a manual called the Mitchell Manual which was the first book on muscle energy. Thankfully the osteopathic profession has taught many others how to perform this technique and its use has been increasing in the last few decades.

History of manual medicine

According to Greenman, “Manual Medicine is as old as the science and the art of medicine itself. There is strong evidence of the use of manual medicine procedures in ancient Thailand as shown in statuary at least 4000 years old.[1]

Andrew Taylor Still, M.D. first proposed his philosophy and practice of osteopathy in 1874. Still’s philosophy consisted of the following:

1. The unity of the body

2. The healing power of nature. He held that the body held within itself those things necessary for the maintenance of health and recovery from disease. The role of the physician was to enhance this capacity.

3. The somatic component of diseases. Still felt that the musculoskeletal system was an integral part of the total body and alterations within the musculoskeletal system affected total health and the ability of the body to recover from injury and disease.

4. Structure-Function interrelationship. The interrelationship of structure and function had been espoused by Virchow early in the 19th century and Still applied this principle within his concept of total body integration. Still strongly felt structure governed function and function influenced structure.

5. The use of manipulative therapy. Still believed that the body’s maximal functional capacity would enhance the level of wellness and assist in recovery of injury and disease.

[1] Greenman, Philip (1996) Principles of Manual Medicine. Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore, Md.