Let's Play The Legend of Zelda (NES) Second Quest - Part 3: Levels 5, 6, and 8 of Hearts

As part of the mixed up level placement of the second quest, Level 5 is where Level 4 used to be. Crafty.

Ah shit, a locked door and no key... And no way I'm going to go out and buy one.

Pardon me while I revisit an earlier level to steal an extra key.

So not only did I backtrack to a previous level to get a key to open this door, there also happen to be red bubbles and wizzrobes behind it.

Double damn.

[Editor's note: On a related note, the sound the wizzrobes make when they fire their blast, as well as the sound the magic rod makes, I believe sounds very similar to what enemies and bosses make when they cast magic or fire their own magic rod in either Super Mario Bros. 3 (and maybe even Super Mario World?). Maybe not quite be the obvious similarity as the warp whistle between the two NES games though.]

Whoa. Gohma, and I don't have a bow yet?

Shame I can't just stab it in the face with an arrow.

Go one room south of Gohma and you will find a stairwell that leads to the bow. The game designers were quite crafty and cruel this time around.

Ugh, it's a trap. Good luck avoiding the spike traps when that door slams shut behind you.

Just another Manhandla. One well placed bomb and we're on to bigger and better things.

Well, I beat Gleeok, but I did have to use my magic medicine. Oh well, another heart container.

And our 3rd triforce shard!

[Editor's note: At this time, there was a vote held on whether to go to Level 1, 3, or 6.]

The former Level 6 palace is now a 30 rupee secret to everyone. The entrance to Level 6 now requires you to blow the whistle in this area of the graveyard.

Just what I want to see... Even MORE wizzrobes.

In spite of the differences between the first and second quests, Level 6 manages to somehow be my most hated level in both.

Alright, now we have the ladder! The rest of the levels should open up to us quite well now.

I am almost shocked that a room with a triple-threat of Manhandla doesn't exist, or a Manhandla that has 8 heads.

And more of those damn red bubbles.

Whoo, Gohma was the boss. Good thing we picked up the Bow and Arrow previously, eh?

Half-way there; 4 of 8!

And with that, all 5 overworld hearts have been collected.

Just nosing around. As previously noted, this corner of the world is the entrance to Level 9.

Ones who does not english good have cannot here pass!

Secret lies in tip of arrow.

At least, we'll assume this is what the old man meant. Though was that even in this quest he said that?

Magic Sword retrieved! I really wish I had my hands on this when we went to do Levels 5 and 6, honestly.

[Editor's note: At this point a vote was held on whether to do Level 1, 3, 7, or 8.]

Just a little more gambling to... Feed the need...

On the riverfront, close to Level 4 and the White Sword area, you can bomb open the entrance to Level 8. And on the plus side, the next screen over you can bomb open the entrance to a Medicine Shop.

Well, this level sure doesn't pull any punches. Sadly you need to push one of those two blocks to access a staircase in that room, and to not get hit while doing it can be downright tricky.

At some point, I stumbled across this here magic rod. Which is good, because when those red bubbles steal my sword, this is the ultimate stand in -- with a power about on par with the white sword. Which is better than nothing. However, putting it in Level 8 is pretty mean, as its usefulness is diminished by then.

There are stairwells and mini-bosses all over this level. And some stairwells drop you off in places that you can't go back the way you came (aka. it is one way travel). This level is ridiculous!

Well, luckily we had monster bait on hand, because we did definitely need it.

Bombing some more Dodongos. They seem to be in plentiful supply in the second quest.

Another item that is fantastic, The Lion Key (or "A" key, as I call it). Yet again, its usefulness is diminished by the fact that you get it so late in the game.

I absolutely hate these rooms. You enter them, push the center block, and pick where you want to go. Sometimes if you screw it up, you have to make quite a circular trip back around to try it again.

More walk-through walls. Kind of crazy, isn't it?

What the hell are these walls made out of that you can do this, anyway? This game was just begging for a Lens of Truth type item to help point out secret entrances and bombable or walk-thru-able walls.

These stairs take us near to the boss room, but we need to go south from here to pick up some goodies before we take on the boss.

Whoa, an Aquamentus room you can enter from the top. Now that is a rarity. Usually they are left to right rooms only. And of course I want more bombs, especially in this quest. Between not knowing if walls are to be walked through or bombed, and all of the triple-threat Dodongos around, they're an item of high importance.

Really, a triple-threat of dinosaurs for the end boss? Kind of a let down, but oh well, we'll take our heart piece and soldier on.

And with that, shard 5 out of 8 is ours! Only 3 dungeons to go before we can face Ganon.

Continue to Part 4: Lucky Numbers 3, 7, and 1