
University of West Attica, Department of Surveying and Geoinformatics Engineering [2016-Present]:

[Since Academic Year 2020-2021 - Present]:

[Since Academic Year 2019-2020 - Present]:

[Previous Academic Years, since 2016]

Hellenic Military Geographical Service, School of Topography [2023-Present, as Visiting Professor]:

Previous affiliations:

Hellenic Military Geographical Service, School of Topography [2017, 2019, 2020-2021]:

Metropolitan College, Faculty of Engineering & Architecture, Athens [2017-2018]:

Mediterranean College, School of Engineering [2016]:

Harokopio University, Department of Geography [2015]:

Technological Educational Institute of Athens, Department of Civil Engineering and Surveying & Geoinformatics Engineering [2015]:

National Technical University of Athens, School of Rural & Surveying Engineering [2010-2014]:

Institute of Education and Training Members of Technical Chamber of Greece [2013]:

Vassilios Krassanakis, Personal webpage