Services to Society

In addition to his academic activity and in line with his professional consulting activity (see following point), he holds meetings with technology leaders (CIO, CTO, CDO) of the Public Administration, participates in and develops presentations by invitation (see section 4.3.4) in seminars and workshops for companies, public administration and public in general regarding the projects, research and consultancy that develops with main focus on the subjects associated to the architectures of the information systems.

Among these efforts it is important to highlight:

(1)    Contribution to the creation, through the Resolution of the Council of Ministers, of a model of ICT Governance in the Public Administration, known as “Rede Interministerial de Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação” – see Resolução do Conselho de Ministros n.º 109/2009, Diário da República 1.ª série - N.º 192 - 2 of October 2009.

(2) Contribution to the Law that establishes the adoption of open standards in Government  systems – see Lei n.º 36/2011 de 21 de June, Diário da República 1.ª série - N.º 118 - 21 de June de 2011 – and contribution for the proposal of the Regulamento Nacional de Interoperabilidade Digital (according to art.º 5 of Law Lei 36/2011) – see Resolução do Conselho de Ministros n.º 91/2012, Diário da República 1.ª série - N.º 216 – 8 of November 2012.

(3) Contribution for the Strategic global plan for rationalization and cost reduction in ICT, Public Administration – see Resolução do Conselho de Ministros n.º 12/2012, Diário da República 1.ª série - N.º 27– 7 of fevereiro 2012.

(4) Contribution for the Evaluation of ICT Projects and Expenditures in Public Administration innitiative  see Decreto-Lei 107/2012, Diário da República 1.ª série - N.º 97– 18 of May 2012 and Resolução do Conselho de Ministros n.º 48/2012, Diário da República 1.ª série - N.º 98 – 21 of May 2012.

(5) Contribution for the ordinance that regulates the process of evaluation of the total cost of Ownership (TCO) in the acquisition of ICT solutions proposed in  the n.º 6 of article 35.º of Decreto-Lei n.º 36/2013, of March 11, according to Lei n.º 66-B/2012, of 31 of December, that approved the 2013 State's budget.

(6) Contribution for the Resolution of the Council of Ministers that establishing the principles of interoperability in public administration, see RCM 46, 2015 of June 19.

(7)    Contribution to the Decreto Lei n.151/2015 of August 6 which establishes the obligation of prior verification of the acquisition of ICT goods and services by the public administration.

(8) Contribution for the Resolução de Conselho de Ministros n.º 66/2015 of 8 of September that defines the rules and governane of the Rede Operacional de Serviços Partilhados de Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação da Administração Pública (RSPTIC).

(9)    Contribution for the Resolução de Conselho de Ministros n.º 33/2016 of 3 of June that creates the Conselho para as Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação na Administração Pública (CTIC).

(10) Contribution for the Law n.º32/2017, of 1st of June which changes the legal framework of citizen's card (CC) - created by Law no. 7/2007, of February 5 - and the Digital Mobile Key (CMD) - created by Law no. 37/2014 of June 26, which changes the validity periods of the certificates, the process of saving and recovering PINs, allowing the electronic signature qualified by the CMD, the application for Citizen Card through the Internet, among others.

(11) Contribution for the Administrative Rule (Portaria) n.º 73/2018 que proceeds to the necessary regulation for the development of the Digital Mobile Key, namely in its aspect of remote signing and request through Portal of Finances.

(12) Contribution to Administrative Rule (Portaria) no. 77/2018, which defines the terms and conditions of use of the Professional Attributes Certification System (SCAP) for the certification of professional, business and public attributes through the Citizen's Card and Digital Mobile Key

(13) Contribution to the Law 34/2014 change, that makes available the mobile app

(14) Contribution to the Law 34/2014 change, that reinforces the validity of the digital version of the identification documents available using the mobile app

(15) Contribution to Administrative Rule (Portaria) no. 305/2020, that supports the electronic sign of invoices service (SAFE) using the attributes verified by the Professional Attributes Certification System (SCAP).

(16) Contributions to change in the Decree Law that regulates the driving rules (Código da Estrada), including the usage of a digital version of the drivers documents, using the mobile app

(17) Contributions to change in the Law 61/2021, 19-08-2021 that changes Law 7/2007, allowing address confirmation on citizen card without smartcard reader.

(18) Contribution to Decree Law 88/2021, 03-11-2021, that allows the use of biometrics in the activation of the Mobile Digital Key and activation by video-conference.

(19) Contribution to the Administrative Rule (Portaria) no. 305/2023 that defines mechanisms for automated revalidation of driving licenses using mobile app.