Recreational and Medical Cannabis Market in Israel

The use of cannabis, or more commonly called marijuana has been prevalent since ages. There is evidence of the recorded history of cannabis use since the year 3 B.C.

The use of Cannabis is illegal in most countries of the world. Possession and consumption of cannabis is a crime that is punishable by law in these countries.

However, there are a few countries in the world that permit the use of cannabis for medical purposes with valid prescriptions from registered doctors. The medical use of cannabis is highly regulated by laws in countries that permit them.

medical cannabis market in Israel

What is Cannabis?

Cannabis is a psychoactive drug, which when taken in the form of smoking, vaporizing and orally can induce a feeling of “high”. The effect of cannabis can last anywhere from two to six hours, depending on the form in which it is taken.

Cannabis contains a group of compounds, called as cannabinoids, that cause effects when consumed. Tetrahydrocannabinol is the primary psychoactive cannabinoid which acts on the brain receptor cells and causes the temporary psychological effects.

The effect of cannabis starts within minutes when taken in forms where it mixes directly with the bloodstream, such as smoking or vaporizing. It can take about 30-60 minutes to take effect when it is taken orally.

What are the effects of using Cannabis?

All psychoactive drugs affect brain function. Cannabis causes a feeling of euphoria and altered state of mind for the duration when the effects last.

Most of the psychological effects that cannabis creates is temporary, and it usually wears off. However, the danger lies in the addictive qualities of cannabis, and the effects it can have when taken long-term. Research has shown reduced mental ability in people who consume cannabis over a period, especially when they start at a younger age.

Mothers who consume cannabis during pregnancy run a risk of giving birth to children with behavioral issues and reduced mental ability.

recreation cannabis market

Medical Use of Cannabis

While cannabis is harmful in the long run when taken without restraint, there has been some undeniable evidence that cannabis can be helpful to manage serious medical issues.

Regulated doses of medicines that contain cannabis, when administered under the guidance of a qualified doctor can help to manage conditions like epilepsy, spinal disorders, pain management in conditions like multiple sclerosis and cancer, treating eating disorders like anorexia etc.

However, cannabis for medical use is still highly debated and is not legal in many countries.

Legalization of Cannabis use in Israel

Before July 2018, cannabis was illegal in Israel, resulting in arrest and prosecution.

However, a decriminalization law has been passed in July 2018, which states that possession and use of cannabis in Israel would result in fines for three offenses, and then face prosecution from the fourth time onwards. Minors who are caught with cannabis will face prosecution only if they refuse to attend a rehabilitation program.

Recreational use of Cannabis in Israel

Recreational use of cannabis is highly prevalent in Israel, with a survey in 2017 revealing that almost 27% of Israelis between the age of 18-65 have tried cannabis in the past year. This is one of the highest numbers in the world, followed by 18% of people in the US and 16% in Iceland falling in the same age group and timelines.

Medical cannabis growers

Israel has the world’s best research centers and facilities that do valuable work on the medicaluse of cannabis. There are pharmaceuticals, agro-tech companies,and other research organizations that are doing immense work on the use of cannabis for medical purposes.

Medical cannabis grown in Israel is of very high quality. In February 2017, there was a ban on the export of cannabis from Israel. The cannabis export from Israel is estimated to be valued at $4 billion per year in revenue.

A lot of researchers are flocking to Israel because of the opportunities it presents in this area. Scientists and technologists from countries like the US are heading to Israel.

Some of the companies in Israel that are leading in this area are –

    1. Pharmocann
    2. iCan
    3. Tikun Olam
    4. Bazelet
    5. Cronos
    6. Therapix Biosciences
    7. Syqe Medical
    8. Better