Cannabis Oil: What is it and Does it Really Work as Medicine?

Cannabis seems to be always in the headlines these days. It is profoundly discussed in the industry of medicine for its potential medicinal benefit. If you search online, you will find a wealth of information about how cannabis can cure whatever ails you.

cannabis oil usage

There are plenty of blogs, anecdotes, and marketing material saying many things about the healing abilities of CBD oil. But are they true? Let us find out in this article where you can get a closer look at what cannabis oil is.

What is Cannabis Oil?

Cannabis oil is extracted from seeds of a Cannabis sativa, a marijuana plant. It is a concentrated liquid extractsimilar to herbal extracts where the chemicals differ depending on how they were extracted and whatever compounds were already present with the plant from the start.

One thing to note about cannabis plants is they produced thousands of compounds, including cannabinoids. Two of the most prominent cannabinoids are the tetrahydrocannabinol or THC and Cannabidiol or CBD.

The THC is the compound present in marijuana which causes psychoactive effects. It is what gives you the high. On the other hand, CBD does not have psychoactive effects and is believed to have the medical effects that can help in treating different ailments.

Based on the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency Controlled Substances Act, CBD product s without THC does not fall into scope. It means then that CBD products without THC are legal to consume and sell. With this, CBD oil is becoming more and more popular and acceptable socially.

Why Use Cannabis Oil?

Many people use cannabis oil because of their believed ability to treat or reduce the symptoms of a wide array of conditions. The research is still limited, but there are many personal accounts and anecdotes from people who have used CBD oil.

According to these accounts, CBD oil can provide relief to conditions such as acne and pain. Some also claim that it can help with conditions like epilepsy, cancer, and Alzheimer’s disease. In 2017, there is a recently published study describing CBD’s possible ability in protecting the hippocampus.

Epilepsy Treatment

Of the many conditions believed that CBD oil can treat, epilepsy is the most prominent. It is also the only one with significant evidence supporting the purported treatment. Only this year, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved the recommendation of CBD medication.

CBD is now approved in the treatment of two rare forms of epilepsy in childhood. In these two areas, the evidence has risen so much that the FDA was compelled to accept the approval of the new drug, Epidiolex.

AS for the other uses of CBD and CBD oil, the evidence is still very little for a firm conclusion. But it does not mean that CBD cannot treat them. The reason is there is limited human research, and so a firm conclusion has to how it would affect them cannot be presumed.

Nevertheless, CBD oil continues to be one of the most popular CBD products for its claimed benefits, as according to previous users. But for the safety of the user, it is essential to consider the possible risks and take extra caution in the use of CBD products.