V&J had its beginnings in 1971 when Floyd Wilmington an employee at Velsicol was laid off.  Working for this herbicide company gave Floyd the knowledge and client base to start F&J Seed Services which was named for him and his wife Julia.  Floyd worked the business for approximately  5 years when his health started failing and he faced the need to sell it.  In 1976 the business and all of the clients were purchased by Vern and Jane Moore.  The only criteria that Floyd had, was that he sell it to someone who would love it and continue to supply weed seeds for research.  Mr. Moore operated the business with a staff of 4, his wife and two daughters for a while and then it was operated mostly by the Vern and Jane.  The name was changed to reflect the ownership to V&J Seed Farms.  They built relationships with their customers and grew the business which helped to put both of their daughters through college. 

In 2006 it was time for Vern to retire so the decision was made to give it to their grandson, Andrew Bradley.  Andrew operates it today and the commitment to the customer remains the same. 

Over the thirty years the Moore's operated the business, it was expanded in inventory and sales by nearly a hundred fold. V&J sold seeds to all the major herbicide developers, most of the land grant universities, some community colleges (to both students and professors of Agronomy) and to various entities in many foreign countries for weed seeds to be used in both hemispheres of the world.

This business was severely injured and stressed by the introduction of Roundups herbicide and Roundup ready seeds. However, V&J has survived and with the buildup of herbicide resistance in seeds there are signs of a resurgence in weed seed needs.  We look forward to continuing to serve the research and testing industry, whether through development companies or professors and students of Agronomy and Chemicals.

When you need quality weed seeds for research purposes you should think of the long experience and quality of customer service of V&J.

Vern Moore

V and J Seed Farm 2024