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Courses Past, Present and Future
CMPTGCS130G (2017 Spring): "Introduction to Quantum Computing"
CS138, UCSB: "Automata and Formal Languages"
CS138, UCSB, 2008-09/12
CS138, UCSB, 2011-09/12
CS138, UCSB, 2013-09/12
CS190, UCSB, upper division theory course
CS190, UCSB, 2010-09/12
CS190, UCSB, 2013-04/06: "The Nature of Computation" (Wim van Dam)
CS225|ECE205A, UCSB: "Information Theory"
CS225|ECE205A, UCSB, 2008-01/03
CS225|ECE205A, UCSB, 2009-09/12
CS225|ECE205A, UCSB, 2012-01/03
CS225|ECE205A, UCSB, 2014-04/06
CS290A, UCSB, "Quantum Information & Quantum Computation"
CS290A, 2015-04/06: "Quantum Information & Quantum Computation" (Wim van Dam)
CS290A, UCSB, 2009-04/06
CS290A, UCSB, 2011-04/06
CS290A|PHYS250, UCSB, 2013-01/03: "Quantum Information & Quantum Computation" (Wim van Dam)
CS40, UCSB: "Foundations of Computer Science"
CS40, UCSB, 2008-08/09
CS40, UCSB, 2010-01/03
CS40, UCSB, 2010-04/06
CS40, UCSB, 2010-09/12
CS40, UCSB, 2012-04/06: "Foundations of Computer Science" (Wim van Dam)
CS40, UCSB, 2013-06/08: "Foundations of Computer Science" (Wim van Dam)
CS40, UCSB, 2014-06/07: "Foundations of Computer Science" (Wim van Dam)
PHYS1, UCSB: "Basic Physics"
PHYS1, UCSB, 2011-01/03
PHYS105A, UCSB: "Classical Mechanics"
PHYS105A, UCSB, 2009-01/03
Physics 250 (2017 Winter): Quantum Information and Quantum Computation
PHYS105A, UCSB: "Classical Mechanics"
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