CMPTGCS130G (2017 Spring): "Introduction to Quantum Computing"

This is a 2 unit upper division CCS Computing course. The grade will be pass/fail.

Weekly class: Thursday, 13:00--14:20, CCS Building 494, Room 143

Enrollment: This a CCS Computing course, and priority will be given to those students. If there is enough space, students from Computer Science or non-computing CCS, might be able to enroll as well. This course assumes familiarity with the basics of theoretical computer science such as Boolean logic, decision problems, and algorithmic complexity. The course assumes that you are comfortable with discrete mathematics and linear algebra.

Set-up: In this course we will be discussing several articles about quantum computing. By-and-large the pass/fall 'grade' will be determined by participation in these discussions.

Topics: elementary quantum physics, quantum bits, measurements, quantum key distribution, quantum gates, quantum teleportation, quantum circuits, quantum algorithms for searching, factoring, and discrete logarithms