Testimonials and Recommendations

Valdine is a very professional, responsible, knowledgeable and caring person. Her passion for teaching kids with dyslexia is evident whenever you talk to her about her career and her students. She engages Maddie whenever they are together for a lesson and combines teaching with fun. I can see maddie using the strategies that Valdine teaches her when she is trying to read and understand words. Strategies that neither parents nor her past and present teachers are equipped to teach. Every hour that she works with maddie is getting her one step closer to being able to make sense of the letters on the page that have confused her for so long. It is such a relief that someone has finally been able to help her. Thank you Valdine for all your hard work and expertise!!


My son was in Grade 5 when I discovered the OG method at a U of M seminar. It was that day that it clicked with me; “That is totally Colton! I need to find someone to teach him this!” Out of the list of available tutors I picked Valdine based on proximity but soon realized I had discovered a gem! Valdine has a great connection with kids and can crack a smile or chuckle, moments into a session to lighten the mood or address what ever struggles leading up to that point that could effect the productivity of the session. She genuinely listens to the student and knows when and how far to push them. She has a passion and belief in what she is teaching and it shows. As a parent, I feel I’m learning right alongside me son, realizing how many things in school I had just memorized (because I could), but not knowing why things were spelled or pronounced certain ways. Valdine had been a huge support system for me and I feel so good and hopeful about Colton’s future with her on our team. She goes above and beyond, suggesting books and different helpful websites to reinforce the training. I am truly amazed at Colton’s progress in the last 10 months! His confidence going to school is night and day difference and he prides himself that he has even been able to teach some of his peers what he has learned!


Valdine is an absolute treasure for families going through the difficulties of having a child diagnosed with dyslexia. She has completed advanced training and study to find best practices for teaching dyslexic children how to read, and she knows how to guide the child’s teacher in the implementation of these teaching methods. Most importantly, Valdine is an indomitable force who will fight for dyslexic children to get them the help that they need.
