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Woo Jin Chang @ UWM
Jihee Im and Taerin Kim joined the group
Alex B. Francis joined the group for Summer 2012
Bryce joined the team during summer, welcome.
Corral trap team won 3rd place graduate award
Derek and Sam got UWM SURF support for Spring 2015
Derek and Sam presented UWM research competition and CEAS poster competition
Dr. Chang moderated Special Session in 7th World Water Forum
Dr. Chang received Technology Licensing Award
Dr. Changkoo Yun joined the group
Dr. Nael Yasri joined the group
Dr. Seok Min Kim joined the group
Dr. Seok Min Kim will give a seminar in 4/7/2017
Georgije joined the group for Summer 2018
Hwangjae graduated
James and Wes joined the group. Maria continues for summer 2013
Jeffrey David Motschman and David Defilippis joined the group for Fall 2011
Ji-Hyuk Yu, Young-Gyu Nam joined the group
Jongwon, Rizwen, Misong Joined
Jung-Uk Hwang joined the group for 2013
Kara Lynn Kunz, Patrick Sean Kendall, Eric Dean Garnett joined the group for Spring 2012
Korean delegation from Daegu City visited Milwaukee
Lauren and Dylan joined for the summer
Madison volunteered to work in the group
Maria and Alexander joined the group for Fall 2012
Maria and Wookkun will continue in Spring 2015
Maria interviewed for IAMUWM
Maria interviewed for WiscAMP newsletter
Maria, Caracal, and Wookkun continues in Fall 2014
Maria, Wes and James continues in fall 2013
Maria, Wes, and James continues in Spring 2014
MOU between City of Milwaukee and Daegu City in Korea
Philip Yoo joined the group for Summer
Pradi, Bryant and Brandon joined
Rizwen passed defense
Rizwen received award in CEAS Research Poster Competition
Rizwen received Chancellor's Award
Sam and Derek volunteered
Summer goes on with undergraduate students
Sung-Kyun Lee joined the group for 2011
Tae Joon joined the group as a Ph.D. student
Tae Joon passed defense
Tae Joon passed prelim
Tae Joon received CEAS Academic Excellence Award
Tae Joon received DDF 18-19
Tae Joon received Distinguished Graduate Student Fellowship
Two interns join the group through Korea WEST program
Wookkun Kwon and Caracal Keithrafferty joined the group
Young-Gyu graduated (MS)
Rakesh successfully completed M.S. defense
Professor Seok Min Kim joined Group
Rakesh joined Intel Co.
Rizwen joined UW-Green Bay as a faculty member
Rizwen joined Intel Co.
Blue Gold - Water
Dr. Chang in IAMUWM
Dr. Chang initiated international connection in World Water Forum
Maria in Today@UWM
Maria Interviewed IAMUWM
Recently Advanced Water Technologies (Documentary)
UWM Newsletter
Water Sensor Licensing
Addition to the School of Freshwater Science completed
BMES 2016 Presentation
Delegate from Yedarm Global Academy visited UWM
Dinner on 7/28/2017
Guests visited from BioCNS Co. on 7/12/2013
Lunch on 5/23/2013
Lunch on 6/1/2015
Lunch on 7/13/2015
Lunch on 7/19/2018
Maria and Alex in 2013 UWM Undergraduate Research Competition
Maria presented poster in Rotunda, Madison
Presentation for Summer SURF of incoming students
Presentation in ASCB/EMBO
Presentation in BMES 2018
Presentation in InterPore 2014 conference
Presentation in ITC-CSCC 2019
Professor Seok Min Kim visited
Professor Yong Soo Choi visited
Special Session in 7th World Water Forum
Visitors from Daegu City in Korea
Woo-Jin, Maria, and James presented at OSM
Young-Gyu and Jeff presented in 2013 CEAS poster competition
Drs. Jin Young Choi and Ihnjea Choi visited
Biaxial dielectrophoresis force spectroscopy to measure binding force
Bioaffinity-based protein separation in ATPS
CEC separation in packed microcolumn
Diffusion-based bioluminescence in microchannel
Digital pH test strips
E. coli culture in PDMS/silicon hybrid biochip
Enzyme-free electrochemical glucose sensing
Higher mixing efficiency in staggered herringbone mixer
Highly Selective Mercury Detection
Microfluidic aqueous two-phase system for cell separation
Microfluidic dielectrophoresis for real-time cellular response analysis
Nanoscopic field effect transistor for biomedical applications
Paper-fluidic electrochemical biosensor
Rapid paper-fluidic analytical device fabrication by cut-and-insert method
Contact Us
Woo Jin Chang @ UWM
Rakesh successfully completed M.S. defense
Rakesh successfully completed M.S. thesis defense. Congratulations.
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