
We can partially support some junior researchers (including postdocs), graduate students, and non-NSF grantees to attend this workshop, which is contingent on final budget approval. Participants are highly encouraged to obtain funding from other sources.

If you need travel support, please fill out this registration form and send the following materials to

      • A current CV;
      • For students/postdocs, a short letter from advisor to attest the relevance of the workshop to the applicants' research interests is required;
      • (optional) a title/abstract for poster description.

The application of travel support is due by Feb 28, 2019.

The selection of applicants will be handled by the organizers, who will have sole responsibility for reviewing applications and selecting awardees. Priority for funding will be given to graduate students and recent Ph.D.s, particularly women and underrepresented minorities. Preference will also be given to the applicants who submit the title/abstract for the poster presentation.