2020-2021 Season, High Point Dog, and Regional Championship

WOW!! What a season it has been in 2020-2021 for the Utah Region of NSTRA! There has been more excitement and more new members joining our region than ever before, it has been humbling to see such an influx of new dogs and new handlers alike coming out to play. We love it, and the future looks bright for the sport in our Utah Region, so thank you to everyone for making it happen.

The season started out in December of 2020 in Newton, UT with our "Frozen Toes" Trial. This year it was a Chukar trial. We thank Bret Ure and Rich Lowe for chairing that trial and starting the season off with a bang. Thank you!! Next up was our February "Groundhog" trial in Cedar Fort, UT, (Chaired by Jared Haddock and myself). It was an amazing trial. Thank you everyone for all your time and effort that made this trial so fun! Next up was our traditional trial out in Rush Valley, UT at the Royal Creek Ranch. Ryan Taylor and Josh Morris were in charge and put on a great event, thank you to the both of you for the time you put into this trial. It was very much appreciated! We then wrapped up our trial season back up in Newton for the "Spring Break Thru" Trial. Thanks to Barratt Gorshe and Spencer Johnson for taking the time to be in charge, it was a spectacular event - so thank you!

Thank you to everyone in our region that chaired, marshalled, judged, bird planted or helped out in anyway. These trials do not happen without the amazing people that are so willing to jump in and help out. Thank you to our incredible presidency Rich Lowe, Dennis Haggard, Maureen Goodrich, and Bret Wonnacott. You guys are Rockstars!! The future is bright, and we are headed in a great direction, we look forward to next season already!!

Season Highlights


This season was special for several dogs and individuals. We were fortunate enough as a region to have 3 dogs Champion for the first time! It was incredible to see so many dogs reach this coveted mark.


In December we had long time player Cade Allen and his Brittany Bo earn enough points to become a 1X Champion, congratulations from everyone as it was well deserved!


In our February Trial we were able to witness Jared Haddock and his little Brittany Boone put on a clinic to secure their first Championship, Congratulations as the both of you have had one an amazing season.


In our regional elimination trial, we had Barratt Gorshe and his Brittany Sherlock make it through to the final hour run-off, by doing so, they were able to earn the final two points they needed to earn Sherlock his first Championship. Congratulations to the both of you as it was well earned!


Bret Ure and Cash have been part of this great region for several years. Cash just turned 10 years old in March and he and Bret have been having an exceptional season. They were fortunate enough to have several placements that put them one point away from a 2X championship. Bret said he was worried that the last point needed might haunt him forever…. Well, the decision was made to take a trip up to Montana and run in the Big Sky Region's Yellowstone trial. It paid off for the both of them as they were able to have a great run of 4/4 and a back to secure enough points to earn that coveted championship and make him a 2X Champion. There have only been a few dogs in our region that can say they are a 2X Champion. Congratulations from all of us, it was well deserved!!


Bret Wonnacott and his Ol’ Buddy Tic have been pioneers in our region. If you have ever had the pleasure of watching this team work, you will see how truly amazing they are. They seem to know what the other is thinking and they feed off each other as if to know what their next move is going to be. In our December Trial they were able to have an incredible run to give Tic enough points to earn his 4X Championship, WOW! At 12 years of age this dog has shown us all what competitiveness and determination are all about, thank you Bret for sharing him with us for all of these years! He is special!


There are great dogs, and then there are dogs of many lifetimes. 9-yr-old Angie’s Mae Sunrise just might just be that dog of several lifetimes. This season at our February trial she would have several placements that would help complete her fifth Championship. No dog in the history of the Utah Region has accomplished what “Sunnie” has. It has been nothing short of amazing to watch and compete against. We want to congratulate Angie and Bret on an amazing accomplishment and career!

Region High Point Dog


Jared Haddock and his beautiful Brittany Boone burst onto the Utah scene with their first placement at the February 2020 Ground Hog Trial, since that time it has been one heck of a ride! Last September they were able to travel to the Purina Endurance Classic in Montana and take a first place in the opening round of the trial, in fact they had the highest score out of 128 dogs for the entire trial that week. In our 20-21’ trial season they were able to collect 16 points throughout the season, they had 5 NSTRA wins making 13 of their points first place points. They were able to earn the title of Region High Point Dog. Congratulations from all of us, the both of you have worked hard to get here and it is paying off in a big way!!

Regional Elimination Trial 2021

Newton, UT has been a familiar place to hold trials for our region. It is an absolutely beautiful town in the heart of the Cache Valley in Northern UT. These grounds would again be home to our Regional Elimination Trial where we would crown our Champion for the 2020-2021 season. This trial is an invitation only format, each dog has to qualify throughout the season to have the opportunity to participate. It is a best of the best trial where each dog and handler know how to play the game, it can create some competitive and challenging matchups with very talented dogs and handlers. This elimination trial would prove to be no different, once the draw was complete, we knew we were going to be treated to several great braces in the opening round.

As our field Marshalls Angie and Maureen had everyone ready to go, we gave the go ahead to Glenn to start planting the field. Once completed, first brace handlers and dogs were called to the starting line and the trial was underway.


Brace 3 on the day proved to be the one that would get the competition going and is where the dogs started to find birds and put scores on the card. Bret Wonnacott and his dog Snaps would lead the way with 4 finds and 4 retrieves on the card. They were also able to get a back. They ended the brace with a score of 870.33 which would put them in first place for the opening round.

In brace 4 Barratt Gorshe and Sherlock would run against Bret Ure and his 2X Champion setter Cash. Barratt was fortunate enough to find 3 birds and end with a score of 614 which would later prove to be enough to have them move onto the next round.

The next several braces proved to be extremely competitive where dogs and handlers would split the field, this is when it helps to be able to have great dog work and hopefully be able to get a back to boost your score. It was not until the 8th brace on the day where we would have another amazing run by Bret Wonnacott and Sunnie. They would show us all how well they know how to play this game. Bret was able to handle Sunnie into several finds that produced birds, they were able to put 5 birds on the card and end with a score of 966. This score would easily put them through to the next round.

Brace 11 was able to produce another great run from long time veteran Jim Wall and his shorthair Bullet. 3 finds and 3 retrieves would give them a score of 655 and put them into the top 6 and move them onto the next elimination round.

Brace 12 was awesome, there were two great dogs braced against each other. Both handlers knew there were extra birds in the field from previous braces. Because of this each dog was able to pull 3 birds out of the field for a total of 6. Bret Wonnacott and Tic found 3 and ended with a score of 663.5 and Brayden Roberts and his dog Solid were able to find 3 birds and also be lucky enough to get a back off of their bracemate. Their final score was 678.5 which would be enough to move on.

As the first round concluded we were able to add the final scores up that would give us our top 6 dogs that would move on to round 2. We would have Bret Wonnacott handle all 3 of his dogs, Snaps, Tic, and Sunnie, to the next round. He would be followed by newcomer Brayden Roberts and his liver shorthair Solid. Jim Wall and his shorthair bullet would move on as well as Barratt Gorshe and Sherlock, they had just enough to secure the final spot of 6.

Top 6 after round 1:

1st Place – Sunnie/Bret Wonnacott

2nd Place – Snaps/Bret Wonnacott

3rd Place – Solid/Brayden Roberts

4th Place – Tic/Bret Wonnacott

5th Place – Bullet/Jim Wall

6th Place – Sherlock/Barratt Gorshe


As the fields were being cleared, Angie and Maureen quickly completed the draw for the second round. The matchups would be as follows:

1 – Bullet/Jim Wall – Tic/Angie Wonnacott

2 – Snaps/Bret Wonnacott – Sherlock/Barratt Gorshe

3 – Sunnie/Bret Wonnacott – Solid/Brayden Roberts

As the first brace started the sun started to come out and it quickly warmed things up. This would make the conditions extremely difficult. As the brace went on Tic and Angie would find one bird to Jim Wall and Bullet finding no birds.

Bullet and Jim – Final score: 140

Tic and Angie – Final score: 296

Brace 2 of the second round would be amazing to watch as Bret and Snaps would go head to head with Barratt and Sherlock. When the dust settled, they had pulled 7 birds out of the field. Bret and Snaps would go 3/3 and a back and Barratt and Sherlock would go 4/4.

Snaps and Bret – Final score: 749

Sherlock and Barratt – Final score: 728

Brace 3 was a great matchup that would be pretty evenly matched. Bret and Sunnie would find two birds, and Brayden and Solid would find two birds. Solid was able to also get a back that would help boost his score.

Sunnie and Bret – Final score: 495

Solid and Brayden – Final score: 523.5

After round 2 it was clear who are final two competitors and dogs would be. Bret Wonnacott and Snaps going up against Barratt Gorshe and Sherlock. What a matchup this would be, one could say it had similarities to the NFL Super Bowl matchup of Brady vs. Mahomes. We would have the longtime veteran handler Bret, going up against the young, new, promising handler in Barratt. This was going to be an awesome matchup to watch.

Both dogs and handlers were tired, sun burned, and wore out. This is what makes this trial so unique and challenging. When you think you have nothing left in the tank, you have to go out and push even harder.

The final matchup would be a grueling, hour long brace to decide the champion. Both dogs and handlers came to the line hoping for one last great run. Judge Jerry Youmans said “turn em’ loose” and they were off. Barratt and Sherlock headed to the right side of the field and immediately yelled “find”, Barratt went in for the flush and missed the shot. The bird flew to thick cover as Sherlock trailed behind, unfortunately Sherlock could not locate the bird and they had to eventually move on. This missed retrieve would prove to be crucial down the road. Bret and Snaps moved to the other side of the field and quickly found a bird. It would go back and forth for the first half of the brace as Barratt and Sherlock would find 4 birds and get 3 retrieves. Bret and Snaps would find 3 birds and get 3 retrieves, they would also get a back, which proved to be the difference at the end of the brace.

With the last light of the day starting to fade, and the end of the brace coming to a close, time was called and both handlers and dogs made their way out of the field. They were tired, wore out, and beat down. As the scores were added up Maureen made the announcement that Bret Wonnacott and his dog Snaps had just beat Barratt and Sherlock by 16 points. After the brace I witnessed Barratt going over and giving Bret a hug and congratulating him on the win. I could feel the respect that Barratt had for Bret and all he has done to help him, each of us as a region, and the wisdom he has shown in playing this game we all love so much.

We as a region would like to say Congratulations to “Snaps” and Bret Wonnacott for becoming your 2021 Regional Champions!!!

2021 Regional Champion - "Snaps"

Owned and Handled by Bret Wonnacott

2021 Regional Champion “Snaps”

1st Runner-Up Barratt Gorshe/Sherlock

2nd Runner-Up Brayden Roberts/Solid

3rd Runner-Up Angie Wonnacott/Sunnie

4th Runner-Up Bret Wonnacott/Tic

5th Runner-Up Jim Wall/Bullet

Thank you to Jerry Youmans and Mike Ouchida for coming down from the Northwest Region to Judge. Thank you to Angie Wonnacott and Maureen Goodrich for Marshalling. Thank you to our bird planter Glenn Smith that always keeps up guessing. And most of all thanks to all of you that make this region what it is today. It is because of so many people are so willing to help that make these trials possible. Thank you to our Presidency for all that you do, especially to our President Rich Lowe!!

We hope to see everyone next season as we continue to make the best region in NSTRA even better!!


Lance Hansen