Professional Experience


Atlanta, GA

01/2012 - Present

Senior Software Engineer

• Aiding in the development of 3D visualization engine that is used in Siemens surveillance and control systems.

University of Oklahoma (

Tulsa, OK

01/2010 - 12/2011

Graduate Research Assistant

• Developing software that controls Texas Instruments DLP™ Chips.

• Aiding the development of CSpace® Volumetric 3D Display and implementing experimental 3D application that runs on it.

JoyBox For Media (

Damascus, Syria

10/2008 – 12/2008

Freelance Developer

• Automated an Interactive Satellite Games Station.

• Implemented a sub-system for Interactive Voice Response (IVR).

• Integrated the system with the database that holds the profiles of registered players to update player scores and achievements and query highest scores.

• Saved company time and resources by allowing most of the system tests be carried out on a single PC through emulating the required telephony hardware.

JoyBox For Media (

Damascus, Syria

08/2006 – 04/2007

3D Game Engine Software Engineer

• Analyzed and designed of the company’s new 3D game engine.

JoyBox For Media (

Damascus, Syria

09/2005 – 10/2006

Lead Game Programmer

• Managed a team of 6-9 programmers.

• Supervised multiple 2D and 3D game titles built using Torque Game Engine.

• Worked as the Lead Engine Developer of the Gulf Rally (a 3D racing game).

Gulf Rally
Gulf Rally
Gulf Rally
Gulf Rally
Gulf Rally
Gulf Rally