
Eventide Escape

A VR immersive escape room experience. Developed using C#, Unity, VRTK and Steam API

Eventide Escape Teaser Final.mp4

Terrain Paging

Implemented graphics content streaming optimized for terrain data (geometry + textures) between hard disk and graphics card memory with staging through the system memory to provide seamless display of large scenes.

The project allows scenes with large graphical content (e.g. Big Cities) to run on lower/normal computer configurations using the technique of load-on-demand, where

only the visible parts of the scene are loaded into the video memory from the hard-drive. The loading process is done transparently in background threads.

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3D First Person Shooter (FPS) Game Engine

· Developed from scratch a 3d FPS engine that allow the player to navigate through our faculty (as the game world) and shoots AI-controlled opponents or interacts with other human players through the LAN.

· Worked mainly on the following features:

· Scene Management and Scene Load from 3DS and Quake BSP files.

· Entity-Entity and Entity-Environment Collision Detection.

· Keyframe-based and Skeletal-based character animation.

· Lua Embedded Scripting Engine.