William Robert SNEAD remembers D Day

William Snead Sr. from south Boston Virginia, was an American Soldier, who had trained for the Normandy Landings in Swansea and Gower and landed on Omaha Beach on D-Day 6th June 1944.

L.C.T. (Landing Craft Tank)

William Robert Snead D-Day veteran

William said 'I was 20 years old on D Day 6th June 1944 and it was one day that I will never forget. I was in the English Channel on a L.C.T. (Landing Craft Tank) which was able to transport 5 tanks and other equipment, was like others at the time, overwhelmed by the rough sea.' [An L.C.T. was notoriously difficult to handle, made a lot of water and 'rolled like a barrel.'] 'I wasn't really sure what happened, all I knew was that the vessel was sinking. Another vessel, probably an L.S.T. (Landing Ship Tank) pulled along beside them and threw netting over the side of their vessel and we climbed up the netting to safety'.

Private W. R. Snead, served in the 4142nd Quartermaster Service Company, 5th Engineer Service Brigade, whose task was transporting & resupplying the 29th Infantry Division'

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