Community Resilience Program

Back in April 2020, we started collecting and distributing urgently needed supplies to our fellow Alameda County child care providers (e.g. masks, hand sanitizer, cleaning supplies, ...). These efforts quickly evolved to include the needs of Oakland families and neighbors (e.g. more masks, diapers, wipes, formula,...).

Along the way, we connected with a few other Oakland community-based organizations who were tasked to support our community in a similar way in response to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.

In a heartbeat, we joined their efforts and contributed to provide social health* for families and neighbors disproportionately affected by the COVID-19 pandemic: BIPOC, immigrant, refugee, and housing unsecured communities. Left unchecked, attacks on those most vulnerable among us decrease equity, opportunity and the well-being of our families, neighbors and our community as a whole.

We are proud of the work we have accomplished thus far. It has been a true act of love, social justice and resistance! However, we recognize our outreach is only as strong as our collaboration between organizations bound by the same goal: to serve our community with the respect, care and love we all deserve!

As a result, we have launched Urban Schoolhouse’s Community Resilience Program to continue supporting our community’s recovery and resilience.

Our Community Resilience Program will continue to provide support to organizations serving communities who are disproportionately impacted by the coronavirus and the economic conditions of this outbreak. We will continue to coordinate vital and valued in-kind donations, serve as a drop-off location and sorting facility so we can deliver critical resources to our partner organizations who are distributing to communities most impacted.

*Social health is being able to take care of your basic needs — having a safe place to live, nutritious food, and positive relationships. 

Currently in collaboration with:

Our work continues ... so please considering donating to us! 



TO SCHEDULE A DROP-OFF @ Urban Schoolhouse (Oakland 94610) - THURS-SUN 9a-2p BY APPOINTMENT ONLY

More information on ways to contribute coming soon, please stay tune.  For questions about Urban Schoolhouse's Community Resilience Program please reach us at