Public Art

Harvest Dome 2.0 was a joint project between an NYC architecture firm, local teens and architecture interns. They are attempting to create a floating illuminated dome made of discarded umbrellas and pop bottles as artwork for a New York waterway.

Public art is great way to upcycle ... this structure was built from over 450 broken umbrellas that they found in trash cans and on the streets around the city.

A Flock of Flying Umbrellas

Invades Portugal

The Umbrella Sky Project has been in place for the past 2 years from July - September in the city of Águeda, Portugal as part of the local Agitagueda Art Festival.

It was created as a low-cost art installation, and was so successful the first year that pictures went viral on the internet.

For more pictures, click here:

Colorful Umbrellas Float Above Streets ...

Photo Gallery

Veuve Clicquot's 137c

This was created by Sam Spenser, who named the piece 'Bloom.'

He worked with champagne company, Veuve Clicquot, to create this as a promotional piece for their company. The yellow matches the color of their iconic labels.

“Underbrella” a lighted umbrella installation

by Anna Meister

Part of the Vivid Sydney festival

(May 25 – June 11, 2012)

Anna created an igloo-shaped structure out of umbrellas that people were encouraged to walk through. The inside was decorated with twinkly lights that seemed like stars.

The Pallazo - Las Vegas, NV

The Bellagio - Las Vegas, NV

This is a temporary installation at the Witte de With Festival in Rotterdam by artist Luke Jerram. More than 1,000 umbrellas bob along the canal in a floating swirl of visual sensations.

The next time you need to make a display or sign,

consider using recycled umbrellas for a big impact!