Photographs by Students

A classroom at the (closed) Greek theological school on the island of Halki, off Istanbul. Daniel Levine at the left with back to camera, George Paulson to the right of Daniel. Portraits of Ataturk in every classroom where Greek priests used to be trained. The photo display is of plans to modernize the school if it ever opens again. June 8, 2013.

U of Arkansas students waiting for the Patriarch at the Phanar in Istanbul. George Paulson in foreground, seated next to his son George, Jr. Daniel Levine in background in white shirt. His All Holiness was most kind and impressive in his speech. He gave us all little crosses, and chocolate. June 7, 2013.

Istanbul. In the background is the Sultan Ahmet Mosque (aka "Blue Mosque). Note that it has six (count them, six) minarets -- that's very unusual. Josh Koerner is posing with Mariel Royan. Both are students in advanced ancient Greek at the University of Arkansas. June, 2013.

This is a photo of anti-government Turkish protesters in Canakkale, and as close as we got to any demonstrations. We stayed here only briefly. There was no sign of trouble. Note the dark wooden uprights with rope around them. These are the legs of the Trojan Horse prop from the movie TROY, which the film makers gave to the town of Canakkale, since the archaeological site of Troy is just a few minutes south (see next photograph). June 3, 2013.

The Trojan Horse from the film TROY, at the waterfront of Canakkale, where the protesters settled. June 3, 2013.

Dr. Levine and students from University of Arkansas. Athens. May 15, 2013.

An interesting graffito in Mytilene, Lesbos. This is a parody of the epitaph of the Greek writer Nikos Kazantzakis, who is buried in Irakleio, Crete. The original inscription on his tomb reads: " I hope for nothing; I fear nothing; I am free." The text here says, "I hope for nothing; I fear nothing; I am unemployed." June, 2013.

Crete: Armenoi Late Minoan Chamber Tomb Exploration

Eleusis: PanHellenes Inscription (with mulberries)

Athens: South Slope of the Acropolis

Athens: Areopagus

Epidaurus: Theater

Crete: Samaria Gorge

Lesbos: Dancing

Chaeroneia: Battlefield Lion Monument

Istanbul: Nightlife

Olympia: Stadium Entrance

Crete: Samaria Gorge

Athens: Acropolis from Philopappos

Athens: Acropolis from Philopappos

Athens: Acropolis from Philopappos

Istanbul: His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew


Athens: Theater of Dionysos

Mt. Parnassus: Corycian Cave

Athens: Plaka

Crete: Samaria Gorge

Istanbul: Blue Mosque

Athens: Theater of Dionysos

Crete: Armenoi Late Minoan Chamber Tombs

Lesbos: Greek Dancing

Mycenae: Lions' Gate

Crete: Samaria Gorge

Athens: Areopagus overlooking Agora

Athens: Acropolis from Philopappos

Athens: New Acropolis Museum

Crete: Rethymnon Fortezza

Crete: Armenoi Late Minoan Chamber Tomb

Athens: Lysicrates Choregic Monument

Athens: Theater of Dionysos

Istanbul: Ecumenical Patriarchate

Mycenae: Tholos Tomb

Lesbos: Turkey in Background

Athens: Areopagus