The Unity Online Library

Here you will find links to online resources --sermons, articles, books, bios, videos, podcasts, links, and more -- related to Unity Church, its history, and ministers. We hope you will find these resources useful. Keep in mind: This is a work in progress. Contact us with suggested links or additions:

Unity Church then: @1922

Unity Church 2013

Find out more about Unity Church online

Unity Church-Unitarian website

Unity Podcast Archive, 2006- March 2020: worship services

Unity You Tube Channel : worship services March 2020 - current, ministers messages March 2020 - August 2021, religious education, special events, literary readings, and more.

Laying the Cornerstone, 1905

Women's Group, 1908

Easter Pageant, 1920

Coffee Hour, circa 1960

Photos courtesy of Minnesota Historical Society