

My research focuses on Natural Language Processing (NLP), and in particular how ambiguous text is interpreted. Since joining the Open University, I have investigated how to build computational models that predict when different people will disagree on the interpretation of ambiguous text. I have looked at both the theoretical foundations of the phenomenon, and its potential impact in the area of requirements engineering, when requirements documents written in natural language could be misinterpreted by software developers.

I also have a research interest in the problem of how to recognise semantic similarity between texts. My ongoing research in this area applies inductive logic programming to learn systems for automatically grading students' written work.

The methods underlying these tasks are generalisable beyond NLP, and I have also co-supervised several doctoral projects on using machine learning techniques to model music.

PhD students

One of the greatest privileges of working in higher education is the opportunity to supervise PhD students, and to be part of their work in advancing knowledge of computing.

Current students

Former students