Within These Walls

US Airdate : 03 February 2003

UK Airdate : 29 June 2003

Brennan (Victor Webster) and Shalimar (Victoria Pratt) follow an armored truck that’s transporting prisoner Nick Maddox (Steve Bacic), who is restrained with an elaborate headgear and shackles. Suddenly, a black SUV cuts in front of their car and affixes a black box from its front grill to the back door of the truck. The woman in the SUV pushes the button on a remote detonator and the black box explodes causing the truck to swerve off the street into a vacant lot. The occupants of the SUV, Harris (Lyriq Bent) and Asia (Anna Silk) race to the back of the truck and open fire at Brennan and Shalimar who dive for cover. Inside the truck, Asia drills out the locks on Maddox's headgear and shackles. Freed, he turns to the sun and his eyes begin radiating a red glow while his fingers spread to reveal red photon daggers. Maddox then thrusts his hand out toward Brennan and Shalimar and unleashes a series of deadly daggers in their direction. They rush out of the way, but one of the daggers severs Brennan's arm and he screams in pain. Shalimar rushes over and inspect his wound just as the SUV takes off.

Back at Sanctuary, Adam (John Shea) examines Brennan's wound and deduces that

he was hit with a powerful energy blast. Brennan is furious that Adam sent him and

Shalimar into such a perilous situation without warning them of the risks involved. Although Adam feels bad that their lives were threatened, he is firm about keeping his source and specific information about this particular mission private. He then goes to his quarters and contacts a woman named Christina (Rachel Hayward) who refuses to meet with him. Infuriated, he tracks her location. Meanwhile, Jesse (Forbes March) shows Emma (Lauren Lee Smith) a picture of a young Maddox from the database and reveals that he was treated at Genomex for 6 months, but there’s no record of who put him there.

Across town, Maddox and his cronies enter the Chadway Insurance office, kill

two agents and threaten the receptionist’s (Tiffanie Bell) life unless she take him to

Christina. Meanwhile, Adam arrives at a waterfront bar where he finds Christina franticly packing her belongings. Certain that she is running from Maddox, who is seeking revenge on her for locking him away, Adam tries to warn her that she’s in extreme danger. Suddenly, the two hear Maddox and his followers enter the bar. They rush to the safe room to hide, but suddenly Christina goes after Maddox, firing her weapon at him repeatedly. Evading the bullets, Maddox sends several sizzling photon daggers at the two, but Adam is able to grab Christina in the nick of time and rush her back to the safe room. Against her protests, he closes the room’s thick steel door sealing them inside. As Adam and Christina debate their next move, it becomes evident that the two have a long unresolved history with each other that stems back to Genomex.

Christina admits to him that Maddox was an assassin for her agency who she locked away when it became obvious that he had his own agenda. As the hours go by, the Mutant X team begins to worry about Adam’s safety and decide to search for him. Meanwhile, an enraged Maddox orders Harris to use a drill and explosives to gain access into the safe room. Hearing the drill, Adam estimates that they have approximately 78 minutes to come up with a plan. Christina and Adam again argue about the past, but quickly realize that they must work together in order to save themselves. Impatient, Maddox uses the sun's rays and his powers to raise the heat in the safe room.

Back at Sanctuary, Brennan takes over the position of leader in Adam’s absence. When the team learns that Adam had sent a message to the server at Chadway Insurance, they board the Double Helix and take off to investigate. Meanwhile, as the temperature in the safe room rises quickly, Adam breaks open a pipe allowing gushing water to fill the room. He assures Christina that when Maddox opens the door he’ll get hit with the water and they’ll be able to escape. At Chadway Insurance, Emma uses a psionic blast to coerce an agent (Anthony Grieco) into providing them Christina’s cell phone number which they use to track the area she made her last call from.

Adam and Christina’s life threatening situation cause the two to open up and admit feelings from the past. As the water gets increasingly deeper, the two suddenly realize

that the drilling has stopped. Fearful that they will drown, they are relieved when they hear the drill starts up again. The two share a long awaited kiss, but are suddenly interrupted by Maddox. Just as Maddox is about to push detonator on the explosives, Christina loses her footing and sinks down deep in the water. Outside the bar, the Mutant X team has just found Adam’s car when they hear the explosion. They reach the bar just as Adam and Christina are about to escape, but Maddox suddenly appears and blocks their path. Brennan calls out to Maddox and then quickly hides behind Jesse who masses out stopping the photon daggers Maddox shoots at them. Brennan then yells for Adam to get out of the water and he hits the powerful Maddox with a tesla coil that kills him instantly. Later at Sanctuary, Adam compliments Brennan on his leadership skills and the two make amends.