Body and Soul

US Airdate : 30 November 2002

UK Airdate : 19 March 2003

Adam (John Shea) exits the Genetics Technology Convention and approaches former Genomex co-worker Mark Kearney (David Sutcliffe). They both had come to listen to ex-Genomex scientist, Dennis Malone (Allan Murley), speak. Moments later, Malone appears and answers a few questions from reporter Carla Reed (Melinda Deines) before getting in his limo. Carla and her cameraman Vic (David Lipper) follow the limo and suddenly see the driver (Kelvin Wheeler) reach into Malone's chest with a ghostly hand. Adam and Mark run up as Malone collapses to the ground dead and the limo driver speeds off. At Sanctuary, the team watches footage of the attack while Adam explains that Malone had implemented the experiments that Genomex perpetrated on hundreds of unwitting subjects. Adam refused to work for Malone once he learned his research was being used for human modification. While Jesse (Forbes March) searches the database for information on Malone, Adam, Brennan (Victor Webster), Shalimar (Victoria Pratt) and Emma (Lauren Lee Smith) go to the morgue .

Outside the morgue, Carla and Vic spot the limo driver calling out to Mark. Mark

recognizes something about him and runs in the opposite direction. Shalimar appears, grabs the driver and a fight ensues. When he again turns his sights on Mark, Shalimar grabs Mark's hand and the two escape in a morgue vehicle. Brennan and Emma then use their powers on the driver, but they have little effect. Suddenly, Emma sees a superimposed ghost of a tortured young man standing behind the limo driver, but the next second it vanishes. Carla and Vic enter with their camera rolling just as Brennan is about to shoot the driver with a tesla coil. Not wanting to expose the Mutant X team, he stifles his powers. The limo driver flees to the waiting area and after touching an attractive woman (Katia Corriveau), collapses dead. Meanwhile, Shalimar and Mark pull over a safe distance from the morgue and as Mark exits the vehicle he tells Shalimar he'd like to see her again.

Back at Sanctuary, Adam reads the coroner's report that states that Malone's body was like that of an eighty-year-old even though he was only fifty. Emma then tells the team about the ghost-like figure she saw. She’s convinced that there was a powerful and tortured soul living in his body, which she knows is still out there. Upon hearing this, Jesse is certain that Mark’s life is in danger. Adam then reveals that Malone had been working with Leo McAllister (Frank Moore) on the "Walker Project" - a study on the power of astral projection. Meanwhile, Carla and Vic are studying their footage when an assistant hands them a story on Adam and Genomex. Later at an internet café, Carla and Vic watch the newscast, while across the room the attractive woman from the morgue searches for information on Leo McAllister.

Back at Sanctuary, the team watches the new footage and notices the expression on the face of the attractive woman the limo driver touched. Thinking Mark might be able to identify the woman, Shalimar goes to the clinic to see him, but he denies any knowledge of the woman or “The Walker Project.”

As Shalimar and Adam leave the clinic they are approached and interrogated by Carla, but refuse to answer her questions. Meanwhile, Jesse gets a lead on the attractive woman, who's name is Kelly. At a nearby hotel, the team gets ready to bust into Kelly's room, but she sees them coming and knocks the door outward hitting Brennan in the process. As Emma zaps her with a psionic blast, she sees the woman split into two beings just as the limo driver had. The projection of the angry young man is shocked that Emma can see him and tells her that they have to pay for what they did. When he slips back inside Kelly, Brennan begins hitting her with a series of blows, but she takes off running.

The team splits up and goes in search of Mark and Carla. At the TV station, Emma finds Kelly’s body behind Vic’s desk and realizes that Vic and Carla must have located McAllister and the soul was now in Vic’s body. Meanwhile at the clinic, Mark confesses to Shalimar and Brennan that he and Malone stole the soul of teenage boy Cyrus Payton (BrandonThomas) after they discovered a way for him to project himself into other people’s bodies. When his own body died, Malone created a containment field to hold him, but he escaped. Emma radios Brennan to let him know that the boy’s soul has jumped into Vic’s body. Meanwhile, Carla and Vic arrive at the junkyard where McAllister’s been living and confront him about his involvement in “The Walker Project.” When he denies being involved, Vic tells him he was there. Shocked, McAllister shoots Vic just as Emma and Jesse arrive. Vic, ignoring Emma’s pleas, grabs Carla and takes off in the news van. Meanwhile, Brennan realizes that if he can get Cyrus out of Vic’s body, he can use his electrical powers to contain him.

Vic arrives at the clinic with Carla, but just as he puts his hand on her chest and drives out her life force, Mark and the team appear. Emma shoots Carla with a psionic blast that knocks Cyrus’ astral form out of her body and Brennan hits him with a tesla coil that causes him to disappear. Later at Sanctuary, the team watches the news announcer sadly report the death of two of their employees.