Obey The Game

Obey the Game Unblocked at School

Unblocked Version Obey the Game

Flash games are a dime a dozen, but now and then, one will come along that sets itself apart and manages to gain popularity.

Obey the game Unblocked is one such example, thanks to its unique gameplay and addictive nature.

Let’s see whether this will have the staying power of something like Super Meat Boy.

Unblocked Version Obey the Game

Unblocked Obey the Game can perhaps best be compared with something like Warrior Ware – but with a little blue elephant instead of the Bizarro version of Mario

That is true in the structure of the unblocked game, which is more a series of mini-games, each of which requires rapid reflexes and the ability to assess a situation quickly

The difference between that game and this game is that the main character and graphics here are always the same.

Whereas in Warrior Ware, you might find yourself picking someone’s nose (ew) or eating with chopsticks, Obey the Game keeps things simple: every mini-game involves a little blue elephant, and you use simple keyboard controls to move them around.

What also sets this game apart is that it has far more obtuse and confusing instructions.

These instructions are minimal in a way that significantly increases the challenge – you’ll need to work out what it means by ‘hide’ as a box falls from the top of the screen, or what it means by ‘push this.’

That means you’ll not only need to use your reflexes to survive, but also you are ‘outside of the box’ reasoning (except in that first example…)

The game gives you just a couple of seconds to react in each case, which ups the ante – especially as you only have a few lives.

Things only get more complicated when it starts throwing curveballs at you, when it says ‘Disobey,’ for instance, you have to do the opposite of whatever it tells you!

Obey The Game Graphics and Sound

Flash unblocked game, and so it comes with all of the positive and negative qualities that you might associate with that particular category of game.

That is to say that it is somewhat simplistic in graphics and gameplay, but is also very quick to pick up and play.

Like the best mobile unblocked games, Obey the Game Unblocked is perfect when you’re looking for a way to kill a few minutes.

The graphics are charming despite their simplicity, and the music is a suitably high tempo.

Overall About Unblocked Game Version

Overall, Obey the Game Unblocked is a deceptively simple game that is a lot of fun to play.

It has that crucial ingredient that every game like this needs in that it makes you always want just ‘one more try.’

And with such a unique concept, it’s one that everyone should try.