Happy Wheels

Happy Wheels Unblocked

What Every Gamer Needs to Know About Happy Wheels!

Happy Wheels, ragdoll-physics platform browser game. Developed and published by an American studio, Fancy Force, Jim Bonacci created the video game on June 4, 2010. Released then for browsers and re-released on August 19, 2015, for iOS devices, this game might not be suitable for all ages.

Happy Wheels Unblocked Gameplay

Happy Wheels' tagline is: "Choose your inadequately prepared racer, and ignore severe consequences in your desperate search for victory!"

Graphic Violence: Happy Wheels game includes characters getting decapitated, shot, and even crushed through different obstacles. Some would have a loss of limbs, animated blood loss, and other graphic elements.

      • Game Mechanics. Happy Wheels unblocked version mechanics vary, and it will depend on your character of choice and the level design, which will include names like a businessman on a Segway.

    • Happy Wheels Goals. The goal of this game will also differ depending on the level. Most levels will ask the player to reach the finish line or maybe to collect tokens. Some of the levels may feature different or non-existent goals for the player.

    • Level Attempt Replays. The players will also have the choice to upload the game replays, which they can view afterward.

    • Level Editor. If you want to create custom levels, you can do so with Happy Wheels unblocked. It contains a wide selection of tools and objects that you can use for building your level. Users would be able to upload their maps to a public server where everyone could access it.

How to Play Happy Wheels Unblocked

For you to play Happy Wheels, there are two options for you to choose from: the web and using your Apple device. The developer had made an iOS version of Happy Wheels but is only limited to 15 levels, and the Android version is still yet to be released. If you want to have a complete Unblocked Happy Wheels experience, you can access the game online, and here's how to do it:

      • Sign Up for Account. You can first visit the Happy Wheels official website totaljerkface.com, and you can sign up for an account to let you play the levels, save replays, and customize your levels.

    • Familiarize the Controls. This game lets you use the Arrow Keys for controls; the Up Arrow is to accelerate forward, Down Arrow is for the breaks and keep holding to drive in reverse, the Right Arrow will let you lean on, and the Left Arrow will let you tilt backward.

    • Play Game! Happy Wheels Unblocked version is a straightforward game to play. Users have designed most levels, and if you do not enjoy a level, you can switch to a different one instead.

Why is Happy Wheels Unblocked Game So Popular?

This game features plenty of playable characters that use different, atypical vehicles that will let you traverse the game's levels. This game is trendy for its graphic violence and user-generated content that its players regularly produce, including the game maps, shared in a public server.