Gerência de Configuração


Dados gerais sobre a disciplina

Código: QXD0066

Curso: Engenharia de Software

Turma: 7º Período

Turno: Manhã

Carga Horária: 64h

Locais e Horários: Bloco 4 - Sala 4 na Segunda das 10h às 12h e Bloco 3 - Laboratório 1 na Quarta das 8h às 10h

Site da Disciplina

Material Didático

Práticas Online

Prática Online 1 (PO1) - Linux - Enviar prints pelo SIPPA para comprovar realização (prazo final: 24/03/2020 - Terça).

  • DataCamp - Introduction to Shell - Módulo free: Manipulating files and directories (1 módulo)
    • How does the shell compare to a desktop interface? Where am I? How can I identify files and directories? How else can I identify files and directories? How can I move to another directory? How can I move up a directory? How can I copy files? How can I move a file? How can I rename files? How can I delete files? How can I create and delete directories? Wrapping up.
  • Katacoda - Introduction to Linux (4 cenários)
    1. Linux OS - Linux Operating Systems (OS)
    2. Linux Commands - Common Linux Commands
    3. Linux Commands - Practice
    4. Hackercise - Treasure Hunt using Command Line - Hands On exercise to practice Linux Commands
  • DataCamp - Introduction to Bash Scripting - Módulo free: From Command-Line to Bash Script (1 módulo)
    • Introduction and refresher; Extracting scores with shell; Searching a book with shell; Your first Bash script; A simple Bash script; Shell pipelines to Bash scripts; Extract and edit using Bash scripts; Standard streams & arguments; Using arguments in Bash scripts; Using arguments with HR data.

Prática Online 2 (PO2) - Git- Enviar prints pelo SIPPA para comprovar realização (prazo final: 24/03/2020 - Terça).

  • DataCamp - Introduction to Git - Módulo free: Basic workflow (1 módulo)
    • What is version control? Where does Git store information? How can I check the state of a repository? How can I tell what I have changed? What is in a diff? What's the first step in saving changes? How can I tell what's going to be committed? Interlude: how can I edit a file? How do I commit changes? How can I view a repository's history? How can I view a specific file's history? How do I write a better log message?
  • Katacoda - Git (9 cenários)
    • Scenario 1 - Committing Files - Learn how to initalise a repository and start committing files.
    • Scenario 2 - Committing Changes - Learn how to compare and commit changes.
    • Scenario 3 - Working Remotely - Learn how to share your changes with others and access other people's changes.
    • Scenario 4 - Undoing Changes - Learn how to undo changes when required.
    • Scenario 5 - Fixing Merge Conflicts - Learn how to fix merge conflicts then they occur.
    • Scenario 6 - Experiments Using Branches - Learn how to create branches of master for experimenting and prototyping ideas.
    • Scenario 7 - Finding Bugs - Learn how to find commits related to bugs and issues with code.
    • Scenario 8 - Being Picky With Git - Learn how to pick certain commits and changes from other repositories.
    • Scenario 9 - Re-writing History - Learn how to re-write history when required.


    • Pro Git - Livro completo e gratuito de Git em português.

Listas de Exercícios (LE) - a entrega deverá ser realizada pelo SIPPA

    • Ver a seção de Práticas Online

Calendário de Avaliações

Trabalho Prático (TP)