Formative Assessment Tools

Formative Assessment tools allow you to make thinking visible, and then inform and align instruction based on student responses

Formative Assessment Tools

Brainstorming Tools

Whole Class Instruction

Game Based Student Response. Currently limited to 4 answer choices. Great for Surveys, Review, Preconceptions.


Allows you to create Team quiz games with a dashboard that informs about individual performance.


Allows you to create multiplayer quizzes with a dashboard of results. Unlike Kahoot you can make games untimed, which allows learners to progress at a personal pace. You can also assign these for homework/review. Comprehensive SRS for games, quizzes, exit tickets etc. Database of shared Quizzes Video Tutorials

Turns Presentations into interactive activities. Allows for easy integration with GAFE.

After interactive presentation, learners are provided with a takeaway document containing each slide, how they answered, and spaces for reflection. The document is automatically shared back with the presenter.


An amazing platform for self paced or whole class activities. Polls, exit tickets, open ended, drawing, etc.

Gooru is a platform for curating and delivering content. Fantastic tool for measuring growth, realtime feedback, and differentiation

OpenEd is another powerful platform for curating resources and content. It integrates wonderfully with Google Classroom. When student struggle with assessments, OpenEd suggests resources for revisiting concepts and skills

NearPodFree and Paid

Create new slides or easily turn your Powerpoint, Google Slides, or PDFs into an interactive Nearpod presentation.

Limited Device access? Try Plickers - Picture clickers

Self Paced and Blended Learning Tools

Turn Google Forms into self graded quizzes that send feedback to students.


Seesaw empowers students of any age to independently document what they are learning at school.

Students capture learning with photos and videos of physical work, or by adding digital creations. Everything is uploaded and kept organized for teachers.

Students Can upload their google docs as portfolio items as well.

Blended Tools

Edpuzzle allows you to trim videos to use just the part you want, voiceover while muting the video, and allows for embedding hot spots in videos which require students to pause and interact.

Playposit (formerly EduCannon) allows for embedding hot spots in videos which require students to pause and interact, limiting the impulse to fast forward.

LetsRecap is a wonderful tool for having students demonstrate their understanding and skill mastery. You can easily create a class and collect student video submissions (up to 2 minutes each). While this can be done using screencastify+Classrom, LetsRecap simplifies the process for kids and lets you efficiently review.

Need to stitch together multiple video clips to use in one of the tools above? Use Stupeflix.

Ted-Ed allows you to Flip any of their videos or any YouTube video (including your own) and create a lesson around it. This includes creating a private class with questions you assign. It provides you with data on student views and responses much like a Google form

Is an amazing platform for hosting flipped resources, document, webquests, embedded assessments, etc. Blendspace integrates with Edmodo and Google Apps, so students do not need to register another account. Add it to edmodo in the edmodo app store.

A Blendspace Handout

Has some excellent instructional videos and even lets you set up a virtual class, with adaptive lessons and quizes (students get sent to a section of a video if they get a wrong answer. These videos can be pretty dry and Khan is not your student's teacher. You are the one they have a relationship with. but I like these videos as inspiration for how to illustrate a concept.
