The dreaded spheno palatine gangleoneuralgia!!!

Post date: Sep 12, 2014 9:51:26 PM

Otherwise known as...the ice cream headache or brain freeze!

When you eat or drink cold things, the blood vessels in the roof of your mouth constrict to reduce the amount of blood flow to conserve heat. After they constrict, they dilate (become larger) and bring blood back to the area. The quick dilation of the vessels causes nerves in the roof of your mouth to sense the pain and send the information to an area of your brain near your forehead and eye sockets. This is why you feel an aching or stabbing sensation in this area.

You can avoid a brain freeze by eating/drinking cold things slowly. Once you have one, you can relieve it by putting your tongue on the roof of your mouth (palate) to help warm it up. You can also cup your hands over your nose and mouth and breath in and out or sip warm water.