Spring 2012

Course Description

Title: Green Computing and Communication Systems

Overview: Energy, with its intimate linkages to environment and economy, is perhaps the single most important challenge facing our planet. Moreover, Information Technology (IT) - our computing, communication, sensing, and control systems - has emerged both as a part of the problem with a large worldwide IT carbon footprint, as well as a part of the solution by enabling more efficient use of energy in other human-cyber-physical systems at different scales, such as building, cars, electrical grHomeid, and water networks. This course explores technologies that span these two complementary aspects of IT systems in energy sustainability:

Designing Green IT Systems

IT for Making Other Systems Green

Design principles and challenges in creating energy-efficient computing and communication systems at different scales:

  • Models and trends in power consumption
  • Sources of energy: batteries, energy harvesting
  • Low-power and energy-aware architectures, algorithms, protocols, and applications
  • Dynamic energy management in:
    • Computing: Embedded, mobile, personal, enterprise, and data centers
    • Communication: wireless, ethernet, Internet
  • Thermal management

Computing, communications, and sensing/actuation for making various energy-consuming human-cyber-physical systems more efficient:

  • Smart electrical grids: demand/response, load scheduling, renewable energy
  • Energy management in buildings: energy consumption sensing technologies, smart HVAC control, feedback to users
  • Electric vehicles and transportation systems: electric drives, battery management, vehicle-to-grid energy transfer

Administrative Information

    • Instructor: Prof. Mani Srivastava (Boelter Hall 6730E, x72098)
    • Lecture: TuTh 10-11:50 AM in 5264 Boelter Hall
    • Office Hours: Tu 1-2 PM, Th 2-3 PM, or by appointment
    • Google Group for the class: http://groups.google.com/group/ucla-ee209as-spring-2012
      • membership required and open only to students in the class


Lecture #1: Course Logistics and Adminitrivia

    • Slides: PDF, Keynote
    • AV Recordings
      • YYYY-MM-DD: Quicktime, Keynote
    • Reading List

Lecture #n: TBD

    • Slides: PDF, Keynote
    • AV Recordings
      • YYYY-MM-DD: Quicktime, Keynote
    • Reading List


Student Presentations


    • P1: Youngjin Cho, Younghyun Kim, Sangyoung Park and Naehyuck Chang, "System-Level Power Estimation Using an On-Chip Bus Performance Monitoring Unit," in Proceedings of IEEE/ACM International Conference on Computer Aided Design (ICCAD), pp. 149-154, San Jose, USA, Nov., 2008.
    • http://elpl.snu.ac.kr/common/pdf_download.php?pubidx=122
      • Speaker: David Wang
    • P2: Mian Dong and Lin Zhong, "Self-constructive, high-rate energy modeling for battery-powered mobile systems," in Proc. ACM/USENIX Int. Conf. Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services (MobiSys), June 2011.
    • http://www.ruf.rice.edu/~mobile/publications/dong11mobisys_sesame.pdf
      • Speaker: Clement Fang



    • P7: Xiaozhu Lin, Zhen Wang, Robert LiKamWa, and Lin Zhong, "Reflex: using low-power processors in smartphones without knowing them," in ACM Int. Conf. Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS ), March 2012.
    • http://www.ruf.rice.edu/~mobile/publications/lin12asplos.pdf
      • Speaker: Amir Vajid
    • P8: Vaibhav Gupta, Debabrata Mohapatra, Sang Phill Park, Anand Raghunathan and Kaushik Roy, "IMPACT: IMPrecise adders for low-power Approximate CompuTing," Proceedings of the 17th IEEE/ACM international symposium on Low-power electronics and design (ISLPED '11), August 2011.
    • http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpls/abs_all.jsp?arnumber=5993675
      • Speaker: Steven Gani
    • P9: Raid Zuhair Ayoub, Umit Ogras, Eugene Gorbatov, Yanqin Jin, Timothy Kam, Paul Diefenbaugh, Tajana Rosing, "OS-level Power Minimization Under Tight Performance Constraints in General Purpose Systems," Proceedings of the 17th IEEE/ACM international symposium on Low-power electronics and design (ISLPED '11), August 2011.
    • http://seelab.ucsd.edu/papers/ayoub_islped_11.pdf
      • Speaker: Jun Yan
    • P10: Adrian Sampson, Werner Dietl, Emily Fortuna, Danushen Gnanapragasam, Luis Ceze, and Dan Grossman, "EnerJ: Approximate Data Types for Safe and General Low-Power Computation," PLDI 2011.
    • http://sampa.cs.washington.edu/public/uploads/1/12/Enerj-pldi2011.pdf
      • Speaker: Andrew Danilovic
    • P11: A. Gandhi, Y. Chen, D. Gmach, M. Arlitt, and M. Marwah, "Minimizing Data Center SLA Violations and Power Consumption via Hybrid Resource Provisioning," Second International Green Computing Conference (IGCC 2011), July 2011.
    • http://www.hpl.hp.com/techreports/2011/HPL-2011-81.pdf
      • Speaker: Nikolaos Gkolemis



    • P16: Aditya Mishra, David Irwin, Prashant Shenoy, Jim Kurose, and Ting Zhu, “SmartCharge: Cutting the Electricity Bill in Smart Homes with Energy Storage,” Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Future Energy Systems (e-Energy), Madrid, Spain, May 2012.
    • http://people.cs.umass.edu/~irwin/smartcharge.pdf
      • Speaker: Carson Umsted
    • P17: Hugo Goncalves, Adrian Ocneanu, Mario Berges. “Unsupervised Disaggregation of Appliances using Aggregated Consumption Data,” KDD 2011 Workshop on Data Mining Applications for Sustainability, San Diego, CA, USA, 2011.
    • http://users.cis.fiu.edu/~lzhen001/activities/KDD2011Program/workshops/WKS10/doc/SustKDD2.pdf
      • Speaker: Wu Wei
    • P18: D. Jung, A. Bamis and A. Savvides, "Tracking Appliance Usage Information in Residential Settings using Off-the-Shelf Low-Frequency Meters," in the Proceedings of Design Automation Conference (DAC) 2012, San Francisco, CA, Jun 2012 .
      • <paper will be sent on mailing list>
      • Speaker: Mengjie Huang
    • P19: Truong X. Nghiem, Madhur Behl, Rahul Mangharam and George J. Pappas, "Green Scheduling of Control Systems for Peak Demand Reduction," 50th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control Conference (CDC-ECC), December 2011.
    • http://www.seas.upenn.edu/~pappasg/papers/Green-CDC2011.pdf
      • Speaker: Abhishek Vedamoorthy


Project Ideas

    • Slides: PDF, Keynote
    • AV Recording
      • YYYY-MM-DD: Quicktime, Keynote

Classwork Submission

  • Submit your classwork at http://nesl.ee.ucla.edu/courses/ee209as/2012s/submissions (password protected)

External Resources

Books, Reports, and Papers


Research Groups


Workshops and Conferences