Spring 2011

Course Description

Title: Green Computing and Communication Systems

Overview: Energy, with its intimate linkages to environment and economy, is perhaps the single most important challenge facing our planet. Moreover, Information Technology (IT) - our computing, communication, sensing, and control systems - has emerged both as a part of the problem with a large worldwide IT carbon footprint, as well as a part of the solution by enabling more efficient use of energy in other human-cyber-physical systems at different scales, such as building, cars, electrical grHomeid, and water networks. This course explores technologies that span these two complementary aspects of IT systems in energy sustainability:

Designing Green IT Systems

IT for Making Other Systems Green

Design principles and challenges in creating energy-efficient computing and communication systems at different scales:

  • Models and trends in power consumption
  • Sources of energy: batteries, energy harvesting
  • Low-power and energy-aware architectures, algorithms, protocols, and applications
  • Dynamic energy management in:
    • Computing: Embedded, mobile, personal, enterprise, and data centers
    • Communication: wireless, ethernet, Internet
  • Thermal management

Computing, communications, and sensing/actuation for making various energy-consuming human-cyber-physical systems more efficient:

  • Smart electrical grids: demand/response, load scheduling, renewable energy
  • Energy management in buildings: energy consumption sensing technologies, smart HVAC control, feedback to users
  • Electric vehicles and transportation systems: electric drives, battery management, vehicle-to-grid energy transfer

Administrative Information

    • Instructor: Prof. Mani Srivastava (Boelter Hall 6730E, x72098)
    • Lecture: TuTh 4-5:50PM in 9436 Boelter Hall
    • Office Hours: Tu 2-3PM, Fr 2-3PM, or by appointment
    • Google Group for the class: http://groups.google.com/group/ucla-ee209as-2011s
      • membership required and open only to students in the class


Lecture #1: Course Logistics and Administrivia

Lecture #2: Introduction to Energy Challenges and Opportunities

Lecture #3: Energy Efficient Computing Concepts

Lecture #4: Sleepless PCs

Lecture #5: Greening the Internet - Facts & Challenges

Lecture #6: Greening the Internet - Methods


Student Presentations

May 05, 2011

      • P1: Howard David, Chris Fallin, Eugene Gorbatov, Ulf R. Hanebutte, Onur Mutlu, "Memory Power Management via Dynamic Voltage/Frequency Scaling," Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Autonomic Computing (ICAC 2011), Karlsruhe, Germany, June 2011. [PDF]
        • Date
        • Presenter:
        • Slides:
      • P2: Zhen Cao, Brian Foo, Lei He and Mihaela van der Schaar, "Optimality and Improvement of Dynamic Voltage Scaling Algorithms for Multimedia Applications," IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I , Volume 57, Issue 3, March 2010, pp. 681-690. [PDF]
        • Presenter:
        • Slides:

May 10, 2011

    • P3: Aman Kansal, Feng Zhao, Jie Liu, Nupur Kothari, and Arka Bhattacharya, "Virtual Machine Power Metering and Provisioning," ACM Symposium on Cloud Computing (SOCC), June 2010. [PDF]
      • Presenter:
      • Slides:
    • P4: Dong Mian and Lin Zhong, "Self-constructive, High-rate Energy Modeling for Battery-powered Mobile Systems," ACM/USENIX Int. Conf. Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services (MobiSys), June 2011. [PDF]
      • Presenter:
      • Slides:

May 12, 2011

    • None (no class)

May 17, 2011

    • P5: Woongki Baek and Trishul Chilimbi, "Green: A Framework for Supporting Energy-Conscious Programming using Controlled Approximation," ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation '10 (PLDI) June 2010. [PDF]
      • Presenter:
      • Slides:
    • P6: David G. Andersen, Jason Franklin, Michael Kaminsky, Amar Phanishayee, Lawrence Tan, and Vijay Vasudevan, "FAWN: A Fast Array of Wimpy Nodes," In Proceedings of the ACM SIGOPS 22nd symposium on Operating systems principles (SOSP '09), 2009. [PDF]
      • Presenter:
      • Slides:

May 19, 2011

    • P7: Qinghui Tang, S.K.S. Gupta and G. Varsamopoulos, “Energy-Efficient Thermal-Aware Task Scheduling for Homogeneous High-Performance Computing Data Centers: A Cyber-Physical Approach,” IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, vol. 19, no. 11, pp. 1458-1472, Nov 2008. [PDF]
      • Presenter:
      • Slides:

May 24, 2011

    • P8: Xing Fu, Xiaorui Wang, and Charles Lefurgy, "How Much Power Oversubscription is Safe and Allowed in Data Centers?", the 8th International Conference on Autonomic Computing (ICAC 2011), Karlsruhe, Germany, June 2011. [PDF]
      • Presenter:
      • Slides:
    • P9: Asfandyar Qureshi, Rick Weber, Hari Balakrishnan, John Guttag, and Bruce Maggs, "Cutting the Electric Bill for Internet-scale Systems," In Proceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM 2009 conference on Data communication (SIGCOMM '09), 123-134, 2009. [PDF]
      • Presenter:
      • Slides:

May 26, 2011

    • None

May 31, 2011

      • P10: Anthony Rowe, Mario Berges, Ragunathan (Raj) Rajkumar, "Contactless Sensing of Appliance State Transitions," The 2nd ACM Workshop On Embedded Sensing Systems For Energy-Efficiency In Buildings (BuildSys), held in conjunction with ACM SenSys, November 2010. [PDF]
        • Presenter:
        • Slides:
      • P11: S. Gupta, M.S. Reynolds, and S.N. Patel, "ElectriSense: Single-Point Sensing Using EMI for Electrical Event Detection and Classification in the Home," In the Proceedings of UbiComp 2010 (Sept. 26-29, Copenhagen, Denmark), ACM, New York, 2010, pp. 139-148. [PDF]
        • Presenter:
        • Slides:

June 2, 2011

      • P12: Jiakang Lu, Tamim Sookoor, Vijay Srinivasan, Gao Ge, Brian Holben, John Stankovic, Eric Field, Kamin Whitehouse, "The Smart Thermostat: Using Occupancy Sensors to Save Energy in Homes," The 8th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensing Systems (SenSys). November 3-5, 2010, Zurich, Switzerland. [PDF, PPT (slides)]
        • Presenter:
        • Slides:
      • P13: V. Erickson, M. Á. Carreira-Perpiñán, and A. E. Cerpa, "OBSERVE: Occupancy-Based System for Efficient Reduction of HVAC Energy," Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN 2011), April 2011. [PDF]
        • Presenter;
        • Slides:

Survey Article

Please select a topic relevant to the course, and do an on-line survey article that should include a clear description of the topic, the historical development, current state of the art, emerging approaches, references, and pointers for further reading. Think of it like a good encyclopedia article. A good model would be the articles found in Scholarpedia, which is like Wikipedia but curated. Wikipedia articles are a good model in terms of style, in terms of content they are often fluffy. Below are some suggested topics, but you are free to propose your own. In any event, you must get my approval for the topic as I would like to have multiple students working on similar topics. Your survey would be an on-line one, in the form of a web page (with sub-pages if needed). While you can create and host the web page anywhere, you may consider using something convenient, such as Google Sites or some other hosting service. You could even simply create a page on Wikipedia (assuming one doesn't already exist).

    1. Modeling and measuring power in computing equipment (chips, systems, data centers)
    2. Support for energy aware applications in OS/Languages
    3. Thermal-aware task scheduling
    4. Sensing electricity usage in buildings
    5. Sensing water and gas usage in buildings
    6. Networking/communication technologies for building automation and management
    7. Occupancy detection in buildings
    8. Privacy issues in smart metering
    9. Smart lighting technologies
    10. Energy-water nexus
    11. Building modeling and simulaiton
    12. Smart grid pricing strategies
    13. Forecasting of energy usage (buildings or grid)
    14. Smart water networks
    15. Green transport systems (note: this is not just about the vehicles)
    16. Smart materials for energy harvesting


Project Ideas Part 1

Project Ideas Part 2

Classwork Submission

External Resources

Books, Reports, and Papers


Research Groups


Workshops and Conferences

Lecture #7: Green Data Centers