An introduction to the Gospel School

TTo understand, live and proclaim the gospel in thought, word, and deed

Jesus called every believer to pray for the extension of the kingdom and to help bring the gospel to the world in thought, word, and deed. To develop as a gospel teacher along the lines proposed in The Urantia Book, you need to progress in at least three areas.

  1. Grow in your grasp of the gospel and your ability to live it.

  2. Enhance your understanding of the people you serve and their spiritual difficulties.

  3. Develop your skills in using suitable ways to reach people, starting with personal work (including the faith encouragment relevant to healing) and culminating, if you choose, in preaching.

This internet school, founded in 2001, supports students of The Urantia Book in reaching these goals. It offers a web resources plus interaction to help you accomplish these goals and to support you, through prayer and conversation. One more essential feature: the program trains you in proclaiming the gospel without mentioning The Urantia Book. This is a program in evangelism for disciples. Most of us have jobs and families and diverse volunteer activities. Therefore, it is understood that people may be too busy to stay active in reading and discussion.

The expectation is that you have completed at least one reading of The Urantia Book. We presently have a two- or three- month semester in the Fall, beginning September 1 and in the Spring, beginning February 1.

We have used google groups for the past few years, but there are currently problems with that which I expect will be resolved soon.

There are many discussion lists for wide-ranging conversation, but this is not one of those. It is a school. Posts are to stay focused on gospel school-related questions, and we expect high standards of loving communication, including expressing criticism in according to the Jesus grievance procedure (the lesson on forgiveness, 159:1, 1762).

Admission to the Discussion List

Obviously, we can have discussion only with a limited number of persons, though a larger number are welcome to follow what is said. On average, during a two-or three-month semester, we have fewer than ten regularly active members posting roughly once per week. We have a larger number who announce themselves at the

If you would like to join the list, write to me at a gmail address: jhw1955yes. In any case, I ask that you write a few paragraphs introducing yourself. Please do not send e-mail attachments. Because of the risk of viruses, I do not accept attachments. Instead simply include what you want to send in your e-mail message.