A Gospel School



After supporting this site for free for many years, Google, some time in 2020, will cease supporting complex sites such as this one. This provides the stimulus to upgrade to something much better.

UrantiaBookProjects.org has a blog connected with a new YouTube channel and a new podcast. I think that all but two of the documents in UBQuestionsandStudies have been migrated to the new site; two documents, "Worship quotes and questions," and "The easiest way I know (of evangelism)" will be replaced in the new site by sometime next month.

As of July 3, 2019, UBQuestionsandStudies is now an archive site.


If you hunger and thirst to comprehend Jesus' gospel in its fullness, the place to begin is with an extensive review: Quotes of Jesus' Public Gospel Teachings.

Here's a talk on How to participate in Jesus' gospel movement. Remember: the call to proclaim is addressed to every believer.

Are you ready to begin? Would you like to start with the easiest way I know? Are you thinking of trying going door-to-door? Jesus trained his apostles in personal ministry (one-to-one or in small groups) before permitting them to do public preaching. This has implications as well regarding using social media. But what about preaching or public speaking?

Jesus' many-sided gospel is like a mighty tree that branches out if its trunk--the fatherhood of God--and its main branch, the brotherhood of man. See how enormously meaningful that gospel becomes as you soak in the Gospel Themes: Quotes, Questions, and Comments.

What is the gospel today? Does it differ from the gospel of Jesus' day? The Spirit of Truth "restates the Jesus message so that every new group of mortals to appear upon the face of the earth shall have a new and up-to-date version of the gospel, just such personal enlightenment and group guidance as will prove to be an effective solvent for man's ever-new and varied spiritual difficulties" (194:2.1/2060.4). So let's update our message! He's a path to doing so, beginning by addressing the spiritual difficulties of our generation.

And how do the many sides of Jesus' gospel meet our generation's spiritual difficulties? (Read it in French.) You have a huge spiritual discovery awaiting you: on the left of a page make your own list of spiritual difficulties and on the right make a list of the many sides of the gospel. In communion, watch the spiritual sparks fly as you discover how the truths in the left column address the problems in the right column.

For additional resources, see the many sides of the gospel and gospel depths.

How is the gospel movement doing? Peter got it off track beginning with his sermon on the day of Pentecost. Students of The Urantia Book often mingle gospel and book in confusing ways. Help get the gospel movement back on track! The Urantia Book promotes many projects. This is one of the most important ones.

God will eventually be comprehended as . . . the life of truth. Watch that life unfold in one of its greatest expressions--the life in the gospel.

A difficulty that some of us experience is whether and how to speak of the fatherhood of God. Sometimes serious issues are present in naming the Universal Father.

Here is a series of 95 questions on evangelism that you can use in any context: it makes no reference to The Urantia Book and refers to Martin Luther's 95 these.

Don't forget healing. Jesus ordained the apostles to proclaim liberty to the spiritual captives, joy to those in the bondage of fear, and to heal the sick in accordance with the will of my Father in heaven" (140:3.2/1570.3).

Many believers mix religion and politics; but what did Jesus do?

Jesus trained the twelve to go to Jerusalem. What would be the equivalent today? Who is up for that training, experience, and eventual functioning? What local versions of that can we reasonably aspire to? Here are some training exercises.

Since 2001, an internet gospel school has functioned for several weeks almost every year. Here's a description of this Gospel School.

In Budapest, on September 16, 2016, I gave a workshop titled Spiritual Solidarity in the Gospel Movement. And here is the presentation address that I designed to address the current situation in Europe: Jesus is the Origin and Continuing Inspiration of the Gospel Movement (a response to the Blue Club's European Urantia Conference, titled "Who is Jesus?").

A website dedicated to the gospel is universalfamily.org.