FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions

What is UBN?

UBN is a 15 digit number product identifier used by authors, booksellers, internet retailers, libraries, publishers, readers, reviewers, self publishing entities, and other supply chain participants for ordering, sales records, previewing and stock control purposes. The UABN identifies the registrant as well as the specific title, edition and format being printed, made available for sale, and ultimately purchased by readers. You can buy UBN from ubnenquiry@gmail.com at US$ 100 or equivalent in your currency.

Where UBN is applicable?

UBN can be used for acquisition of publications, stock lists, invoice, catalogues, proceedings, books, book like items, monograph, printed book, audiovisual, electronic recording, revised editions. You can buy UBN from ubnenquiry@gmail.com at US$ 100 or equivalent in your currency. If you need more than one UBNs for the same document, still you need to pay only US$ 100, rest of all will be served free of cost.

Do I need a Barcode with an UBN?

It is not necessary. It depends upon your requirements. If you want to purchase a barcode you may procure it.

Does UABN is assigning Barcode?

No, It is assigning UBN.

How Many UBNs Do I need for Book publication?

It depends upon your requirements. The UBN identifies a specific title, and edition, being made available. You will need a UBN for each unique version of your book (e.g. pdf, EPUB edition, MOBI edition, physical existence, if content is same). For example, if you are planning to launch EPUB edition, hardback edition, MOBI edition, soft edition, and PDF edition, then you will need 1 unique UBN for each at No additional cost. A book in different languages will need separate UBN for each language. You can purchase UBN from ubnenquiry@gmail.com at US$ 100 or equivalent in your currency.

How Does The UBN Help My Book Get identified?

UBN is universal in nature. UBN is like a DNA Fingerprint of your book. UBN is allowed to make available globally. You can track and put it in public/ commercial repositories. You can buy UBN from ubnenquiry@gmail.com at US$ 100 or equivalent in your currency. You can bring publication in different formats and languages, each with unique UBNs at No additional cost.

If UBN is found for Sale/ purchase on other services, / web portals is this legitimate?

UABN may authorise many companies, publishers, individuals, web portals who purchase UBNs as part of their publishing and allied services. Before you buy a UBN from anyone, ensure whether they are registered owner of UBN, you are aspiring to purchase. If you are not the publisher, the agency that provides you the UBN, is required to provide us your Title Data. Several people struggle to get their Title Data added or updated when they do not control their own UBNs. Only the official holder of a UBN can register data to their title, If you have queries about authenticity of UBN offer online, contact The UABN with details of the seller, and the price, for clarification. You can buy UBN from ubnenquiry@gmail.com at US$ 100 or equivalent in your currency.

Does UABN endorse any particular agency for purchasing UBN?

No, we do not. Any legitimate registrant agency can sell/ purchase UBN. First it has to purchase UBNs from UABN, and then it can sell to third parties. UBN can also be purchased directly from UABN. Any individual, person, organization, company, publisher, press, university, college can purchase it. You can buy UBN from ubnenquiry@gmail.com at US$ 100 or equivalent in your currency.

Can I sell UBN to Book publishers, web portals, and authors?

Yes, after purchasing from us, you can do so. In such a case you will be required to provide us concerned Title Data. You can buy UBN from ubnenquiry@gmail.com at US$ 100 or equivalent in your currency.

Can I serve as agent for selling UBN?

Yes, you can be. Email us at: ubnenquiry@gmail.com

I am in the process of writing a book, when should I demand UBN?

You can purchase it in advance, or prior to its release. You can buy UBN from ubnenquiry@gmail.com at US$ 100 or equivalent in your currency. UBN is to be prnted on cover page of book or a proceeding/ legal document.

I have already ISBN for my book. Do I need to have UBN?

Yes, you should purchase UBN for better visibility and discover-ability. You can buy UBN from ubnenquiry@gmail.com at US$ 100 or equivalent in your currency and bring translations / different formats of your book/ document at No additional cost. UBN is advanced digital identification system for books. Once you have UBN, there is no sense of using ISBN.

Who bears the ownership rights to UBNs?

Legitimate buyers/ Authors registered with us, retain ownership rights for assigned UBNs. But if publishers wants to use UBNs for their authors, they can transfer the rights to authors/ self publishers.

Which UBNs can not be sold?

UBN once assigned for a book title can not be sold again for a new book title. No book in world can have same UBN.

How Many UBNs Do I need for Book publication?