Search books by Cover page | Universal Agency for Book Number

Book cover page can easily be searched by UBN. If you want your book titles should be searchable without confusion from other similar titles, get UBN for books. UBN should be obtained for upcoming books and also for already published books. Any new edition of book or any 'change' in book is assigned new UBN. Buyers, Sellers, librarians and Readers are always aware of specific book because of UBN. UBN should be printed on any four corners of book. UBN should also be declared on copyright page information of book. UABN : Universal Agency for Book Number officially assigns UBN for books and documents worldwide.

Legitimate Publishers display UBN of each book. Publishers can apply at UABN for their already published books and up-coming books. If your publisher is not providing you UBN for your proposed books, you should switch / replace publisher and find a new one.

How to select Publishers for getting your book Published?

Legitimate Publishers display UBN of each book. Before publishing, always ensure whether your publisher is providing you UBN or not? Publishers can apply at UABN for their already published books and up-coming books. If your publisher is not providing you UBN for your upcoming proposed books, you should immediately switch / replace publisher and find a new one. It is sole responsibility of your 'publisher' to provide you UBN of your already published book and upcoming books. If you find violation by publishers, You can always report at UABN against such publishers at Email Mention Name of publisher, country, address, Title of your book, for which UBN is not provided or any other grievances you faced with publisher for public awareness. It will help readers, librarians, sellers in weeding out unprofessional publishers. In case of conflict, you can anytime approach UABN for getting UBN for your book. While you sign publishing contract with publisher or copyright contract, sales contract, marketing contract, sells books on websites or at book store / book festival / book inauguration function or distribution contracts always specify UBN of your book in contracts to preserve your rights.

How Self Publishers can apply for UBN for their Books?

Self publishers can directly apply at UABN for getting UBN for their upcoming books and previously published books. UBN is Universal Book Number

How Librarians can apply for UBN for Ancient Literature and Important Books?

Librarians can directly apply at UABN for getting UBN for literature, important books, documents, cultural heritage, crafts, . UBN is Universal Book Number

How Jewelers can apply for UBN for jewellery with wide varieties of collections?

Jewelers can directly apply at UABN for getting UBN for creative jewelry, collections of precious metal gold, silver, platinum jewelry, diamond, pearl and other stone jewelry, artifacts, other objects of artistic, cultural, historical importance, heritage and crafts. UBN is Universal Book Number assigned to particular objects and jewelery.

How Museum can apply for UBN for objects, crafts, Ancient Literature and Important Books?

Museums can directly apply at UABN for getting UBN for artifacts, other objects of artistic, cultural, historical, or scientific importance, literature, important books, documents, cultural heritage and crafts. UBN is Universal Book Number assigned to particular objects.

Advanced Book Search by UBN

UBN lets you search books by advanced method. UBN offers following facilities-

12. Search books at physical sales stores, book fairs, Book festivals

13. Search books at Library

14. Search books by Keyword

15. Search books by Subject

16. Search books by Publisher

UBN helps you in following ways-

Book Search: Search for books by title, author, or keyword

How to Find a Book When You Don't Know the Title or Author name

Finding a Book When You've Forgotten Its Title

How to Search for Books

How to Find Books by UBN

Search for a book by title in the catalogue by UBN

How to Find A Book From a Vague Description by UBN

Title search | The Online Books Page

Search for topics or subjects | Bookshare by UBN

Is It Possible to Find a Book Without the Author or Title?

Finding a Specific Book Title

How to Find Books ? Universal Agency for Book Number

How to promote books?

How to market books in different countries?

How to publish eBook?

How to self publish books

How publishers can sell books with international standards?

UABN : Universal Agency for Book Number; officially assigns and regulates legitimate UBN for Books and Documents. Universal Agency for Book Number is responsible for the collection, description, preservation and accessibility of UBN. The UABN also serves as a development centre for the literature and library sector and promotes strong cooperation in the field, on not for profit status. UABN registers patents and copyrights at international level.

You can buy UBN number for your any publication, it can be of any previous year, Email us at

UBN number is like a DNA Fingerprint of your publication, it uniquely identify your publication in all over world. If you are an author or Publisher, and you have published, or going to publish a book, journal, or magazine, yearbook, software, apps, music, video, movies, gif, and Report, you are eligible to get UBN number from us.

About UBN:

What is UBN?

UBN is Universal Book Number

UBN is a unique identification number for a book. Universal Book Number is recognized globally and catalyzes the sale of book to bookstores and libraries. UBN allows scientifically management of books and their discoverability at global level. Universal Book Number eliminates the ambiguity in identification of books. While numerous book titles, published by different publishers may have same titles across the world, it creates huge confusion among readers. UBN serves here as a great tool to correctly identify a book. Since all such books will carry different UBN. UBN is assigned to international as well as local editions of books. If edition of a book is changed, (e.g. next edition) it would require new UBN. Different UBN are assigned for print and/ electronic version, at free of cost. UBN is affected by format of file (e.g. jpeg, MS-Word, PDF, etc). A book in different languages and format will be assigned separate UBN, at free of cost. N (any) number of copies may be produced for a book, assigned with single UBN.

Example of UBN: UBN is 15 digit numeric code. E.g.- 015-346724641726

Who can apply to buy UBN?

UBN can be demanded either by authors, Distributors, self publishers or publishers and Sellers.

How to Buy UBN

Readers may ask about UBN for a book which they want to read, download, buy, tell a friend, inquire, or review. It helps to increase the chances of sales of books, and royalty earned by authors and publishers along with publicity. UBN is assigned for literature standardization, and is a not for profit activity. UBN costs US$ 100, please see below table for country wise list of price. Different formats of publication and publication in different languages need different UBN, but these all UBNs will be provided at No additional cost. So if you publish a document in two languages and two formats e.g. print and online, you will be provided 4 UBNs at just US$ 100. If you publish the same document in pdf, HTML, JPEG, you will be provided extra UBNs at No additional cost. Demand for UBN can be sought at:

How to purchase UBN

You should provide below information to get your UBN (Universal Book Number) for your book.-

Title of the Book: ?

Publisher: Self Published/ Name of Publisher: ?

Author: ?

Language: ?

Format: Hard/ electronic version: ?

Place of Publication: ?

Contact Information of publisher: ?

Name of Country with address: ?

E-Mail this information to along with registration fee and UABN will deliver you the UBN for your book within approx 24 hours.

Question: Is this number (UBN) same for all thousand copies of any book publication?

Answer: Yes, UBN is same for all thousand copies or even more of any book/ thesis/ any document/ legal contracts.

What about Management of UBN for Books and documents?

Allotment of UBN is done with a centralized system. There are no country wise agencies, to enhance the ease and user friendly approach. In case of any ambiguity, the decision of UABN shall be final and binding.

What is procedure for Cancellation of UBN, alloted to a book/ document?

UBN assigned once, can not be cancelled. Because UBN is unique identification for book or any other document.

What about Portability of UBN

Authors/ Publishers may sell/ resale unutilized UBN upon notifying UABN . UBN can also be sold / purchased in a block. Unutilized UBN can also be sold within/ beyond the countries, different publishers/ authors and to a book in different languages. If title of a book is changed in future, it needs to be assigned new UBN. UBN can also be purchased in reserve for further use/ a book being planned to edit/ publish. UBN does not expire. UBN can also be demanded for a book, which is already having / not having an ISSN number.

Can UBN (Universal Book Number) be purchased for upcoming Books (about to release) and already published books?


Other useful links


Revised rates for Registration fee Universal Book Number (UBN) for all countries are as below-

Publishers and Self Publishers can contact at for purchasing Universal Book Number in bulk

Universal Book Number is available to all countries across the world-

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As per INTERNATIONAL SWISS CONVENTION Business documents, Legal Documents, Books, Calendars, Diary, Annual Reports, News Letter, Tenders, Partnership deed, Press Release, Bylaws, Financial Document, Legal notice, music, movies, audio-viduals, should have Universal Book Number for authentic identification.

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