Weathering & Erosion

Weathering is a mechanical or chemical process that breaks rocks into smaller pieces. Freezing, thawing, oxygen in the air, plants, and animals can affect the stability of rocks.

Mechanical Weathering or physical weathering-

breaks rocks into smaller pieces without changing the chemical composition of the rock. Two causes of mechanical weathering are ice wedging and living organisms.

  • Ice Wedging - rain or melting snow seeps into cracks in rocks. When the temperature drops the water freezes (ice) and expands. The expansion exerts pressure on the rock forcing it to crack or break apart. In the same manner, ice wedging also causes potholes.
  • Plants & Animals (living organisms) - plant roots grow in cracks in rocks where water collects. As they grow roots become thicker and longer. They exert pressure and wedge rocks apart. Gophers and prairie dogs also weather rock. They burrow through sediment or soft sedimentary rock, and break the rock apart. They also push some rock to the surface.

Chemical Weathering

- occurs when the chemical composition of rock changes. Chemical weathering occurs more rapidly in tropical areas. Two causes are natural acids and oxygen. See chemical weathering

  1. Natural Acids - some acids, like carbonic acid, change the chemical composition of the minerals of the rocks. (Like the vinegar changed the organic rock (chalk).
  2. Plant Acids - plant roots also produce an acid called tannin that reacts with rocks. Tannin dissolves some minerals in rocks which weakens the rock and causes it to break Ex// (moss)
  3. Oxygen - chemical changes due to oxygen is called oxidation. Iron oxidizes and becomes rust. Rocks that conatain the mineral iron break, when the iron in the rock oxidizes and changes to a rust like substance

Soil is a mixture of weathered rock, organic matter, water, and air that supports the growth of plant life. Organic matter (decomposed leaves, twigs, roots, and other material)

Factors Affecting Soil Formation

  1. Parent rock being weathered. When limestone is chemically weathered it leaves behind clay. This produces clayey soil. When sandstone is chemically weathered, it leaves behind sand which produces sandy soil.
  2. Topography (surface features) - on steep hillsides, soil rarely develops because rock fragments are constantly moving down the hillside. In lowlands (where land in flat), wind and water deposits fine sediments that form thick soils.
  3. Climate - if rocks weather quickly, deep soil develops rapidly. This is more likely to happen in tropical areas where the weather is warm and moist. Climate also affects the amount of organic material in the soil. Soils in desert climates have little organic material because there are few plants and animals to decompose. In humid areas, where vegetation (plants) is plentiful, the soil has more organic material. When plants and animals decompose, a dark colored material forms called humus. Most of the organic material in soil is humus. The humus helps soil hold water and provides plants with nutrients to grow.
  4. Time - It takes time for rocks to weather and soil to form. young soil resembles its parent rock while older soil looks less like the parent rock.
  5. Organisms - organisms can add or take away from the nutrients in soil. Lichens are small organisms that consists of alga and fungus. Lichens can grow on rock and take nutrients from the rock. The rock begins to break down forming a thin soil. After the soil has formed, many types of plants can grow.


Erosion is the removal of rock or sediment from one place to another. There are 4 types of erosion: Gravity, Ice, Wind, and Water. These four agents of erosion are responsible for shaping the surface of the Earth.


is a force that pulls everything on Earth towards its center. This causes rocks to fall down slopes and water to flow downhill. When gravity alone causes rock or sediments to move down a slope it's called mass movement. The four types of mass movement are creep, slump, rock slides, and mudflows.

  • Creep - when soil and sediment move slowly downhill. Creep is common where freezing and thawing occur. As ice expands in soil it pushes sediment up. As the soil thaws, the sediment move further down slope.
  • Slump - when a mass of rock or sediment moves downhill, leaving a curved scar. Slump usually occurs after an earthquake or a heavy rain.
  • Rock Slides - when rock breaks free from the side of a cliff or mountain and slide or crash to the bottom.
  • Mudflows - a mass of wet sediment that flows downhill over the ground surface. Mudflows can be thick and flow slowly or thin a slow as fast as 160km/h (99.4 miles/hour).


When ice in a glacier becomes thick enough its weight causes it to flow downhill; it becomes an agent of erosion. As glaciers move over the Earth's surface they erode material in some places and deposit sediment in others. There are two kinds of glaciers: continental glaciers and valley glaciers.

Glacial Erosion - glaciers can erode rock in two different ways. (1) If the underlying rock has crack in it the ice is able to pull out pieces of rock. This causes slow erosion in the rock. The looses pieces of rock freeze into the bottom of the glacier and are dragged over the Earth's as the glacier moves. (2 ) They scratch the Earth (rock) below like giant pieces of sandpaper. This scratching is another way that glaciers can erode rock. Scratching makes large grooves or small scratches in the rock beneath. It can also grind the rock into a fine powder called rock flour.

Effects of Glacial Erosion - Glaciers are capable of reshaping Earth's surface. Valley galciers are able to remove rock from mountain tops. This leaves behind large bowls, called cirques and steep peaks. When a glacier moves into a stream valley it erodes rock along the valley sides making a wider U shaped valley. Continental glaciers can move through large lakes and completely remove rock layers from the land's surface.

Glacial Deposition

Glaciers can also deposit sediment. When glaciers stop moving and begins to melt or when ice melts at the bottom of a flowing glacier, the sediment the ice was carrying along the bottom of the ice gets left behind on the Earth's surface. Sediment deposited directly from glacier ice is called till. Till is a mixture of of different sized particles, ranging from clay to large boulders. Glaciers increase melting during summer months. So much water can melt that streams can form that flow away from the glacier. These streams deposit sediment. Sand and gravel deposits from these streams are called outwash. The outwash consists of particles that are all about the same size.


As glaciers move, they pick up pieces of sediment and carry them with it scratching rocks. Glaciers can also thaw slightly and then refreeze over a mountain top. Once the glacier moves it pops the top off the mountain. This is known as a cirque. Finally, as glaciers move, they push and carry sediment and large rocks or boulders carving our a U shaped valley.


U Shaped Valleys



Wind blows across looses sediment like silt and sand and lifts and carries it. The erosion of land by wind is called deflation. Deflation can lower the land’s surface by several meters. Wind erodes in two ways.

  • Abrasion - when the wind picks up sediment and scrapes it across the surface of a rock. Think of sandpaper.
  • Deflation - When wind blows across loose sediments and carries it away. The land is wearing away.

Ex: the land starts at 10 meters high and the wind blows away 3 meters. now it is only 7 meters high.


Water that flows over Earth’s surface is known as runoff. Runoff causes erosion; especially when the water is moving fast. The more speed water has the more sediment it can carry.

1. Sheet Flow - As raindrops hit the Earth, they break up clumps of soil and loosen small grains of sediment. On a sloped land surface, a thin sheet of water may begin to move downhill. Water flowing downhill in a thin sheet is known as a sheet flow. Sheet flows can carry loose sediment grains causing erosion of the land. Erosion due to sheet flow is called sheet erosion.

2. Rills & Gullies – When sheets of water flow around obstacles and become deeper rills can form. Rills are small channels cut into the sediment Earth’s surface. These channels can carry more sediment than sheet flow. As runoff flows through the rills, the sediment erodes the channel even more and causes it to widen and deepen. When the channels gets to be about 0.5 meters across they are called gullies.

3. Streams – Gullies usually connect to stream channels. Streams can be small enough for you to step over or large enough for barges to transport products along their course. In mountainous / hilly areas streams have quite a bit of energy and the rushing water can cut into the rock beneath the stream. As streams flow back and forth through the valley, they erode and deposit sediment along the way. Streams shape more of the Earth’s surface than ice, wind, or gravity. Streams can have enough power to cut large canyons into the Earth. When rivers / streams enter an ocean or lake, large amounts of sediment are deposited from the slowing water. This accumulation at the mouth of the lake / ocean is called a delta.

Water deposition can cause deltas. When a stream or river meets a larger body of water (ocean), it slows down and drops the sediment that it is carrying causing a delta to form.


