Examiner template

Download the Examiner Template

Most problems in thesis examination are caused by a failure to convince the examiner that the methods used were appropriate and the findings are substantial. If an examiner isn’t familiar with the methods used, or worse – disagrees with them – you may find your thesis does not get a generous reading. Sometimes we criticize other people’s work; if you think these people shouldn’t be examining your thesis, you must put it in writing.

An examiner profile is a good way to come to mutual understanding with your supervisor about these important issues. Use this template as a basis for a conversation with your supervisor about the kind of person who should examine your thesis or cut and paste the text into a document of your own.

a) The primary methods (and/or theoretical frameworks) I have used in this research are:

b) People who examine my thesis should have background knowledge of :

c) Examiners should be interested in broadening their knowledge of:

d) The following are examples of people I think would be appropriate to examine my thesis (include at least 4 and add contact details. Remember this is a chance to make someone read your work – who can help you in your future career?)







e) People who should not examine my thesis are,

People who use these methods or theoretical frameworks:

And / or these named individuals:

This template is released under the creative commons share alike attribution license. Please use and modify as you like, but be cool and acknowledge Dr Inger Mewburn as the original author.