

Biopar is proud to be given the opportunity to assist Turvey Stalking with the development of their deer management plan.

The research Turvey Stalking and Biopar will be conducting is truly ground-breaking. Initial efforts will be focused on Muntjac, but those methods will be

equally applicable to Roe, Chinese water deer, Fallow, and Red deer. The results we get will establish new norms for data collection for deer management.

Our primary focus will be to obtain precise estimates of the abundance of Muntjac on the property.

While we are doing that, we will be developing the algorithms to estimate weight and age, and for Chinese water deer – gender, from the photographs we

and the stalkers collect.

In a nutshell, things will work like this:

We will have remotely operated cameras stationed at selected places around the property.

From the information in the images collected by those cameras, we will:

1) Identify individuals (for the duration of their lives),

2) Determine movement patterns,

3) Determine diurnal activity patterns,

4) Estimate the total population,

5) Estimate the ratio of males to females and how many fawns are produced per female per year,

6) Estimate age and weight, and maybe reproductive condition – i.e. pregnant / barren.

Here’s where you the stalker can participate in this research. When you take your Muntjac, your guide will weigh it and take a couple of pictures of it.

Once our preliminary research is complete, when we process your ‘trophy’ pictures, we will be able to tell you how old your animal was when you took it

and provide a photographic history of its life on the Turvey Stalking estate.

In addition, the information collected from your animal will help refine our models and help manage the Turvey Stalking estate for maximum sustained yield.

This is ground-breaking research. We encourage you to become part of it.

If you would like more information about Biopar in general, please visit our website, or you can send me an email at

Thank you,

Paul Skvorc,

Director of Research and Development

Biopar, LLC