Scientific CV


Full name: KHUAT THANH TUNG                                                     Gender: Male

Date of birth: 1991                                                                               Place of birth: Quang Nam Province

Hometown: Hanoi                                                                                Nationality: Vietnamese

Highest Degree: Doctor of Philosophy                                             Graduation year: 2021

Working place: The Data Science Institute, Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology, University of Technology Sydney, Sydney, Australia

Home address: 56, Man Quang 4 street, Tho Quang ward, Son Tra District, Danang, Vietnam
                            Unit 9, 31 Wonga Street, Canterbury, NSW 2193. 


Research Interests: Data and Knowledge Mining, Machine Learning, Explainable Machine Learning, Ensemble Learning, Adaptive Machine Learning, Computational Intelligence, Evolutionary/ Swarm-based Algorithms, Fuzzy Systems, Soft Computing, Software Testing.


    1.  Degrees

Doctor of Philosophy                                                                                                                    July 2018 - November 2021

Major: Machine Learning and Data Science

School of Computer Science, Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology, University of Technology Sydney,
Sydney, Australia

Thesis: “Development of robust and scalable hyperbox-based machine learning algorithms

Degree of Engineer in Information Technology                                                                    September 2009 - June 2014

First Class Honors - Highest Distinction,                                                                  GPA: 3.88/4 (9.3/10)

Information Technology Faculty, University of Science and Technology - The University of Danang, Vietnam

Thesis: “Applying the meta-heuristic algorithms for mutation-based test data generation for Simulink models”

    2.  Foreign Languages

         English: IELTS 6.5


     PhD Student                                                                                                                                         Jul. 2018- Nov. 2021

     Research Assistant                                                                                                                          Apr. 2017 - Dec. 2017 

                                                                                                                                                                   Sep. 2016 – Mar. 2017

                                                                                                                                                                   Dec. 2012 – August 2016

     Participating in the scientific research activities of student                                            Nov. 2013 – May 2014



                       Web Back-end developing using ASP.NET MVC5 and Entity Framework

              Working on the project of Software Effort Estimation based on Nature-based optimization algorithms

              Doing research on Data Mining, Graph Mining, and Machine Learning

                       Doing studies on Software Testing, Computational Intelligence, Predictive Models in Software Engineering + Finance

                       Windows Application (WPF, Windows Forms) Development

                       Mobile Development using Xamarin

                       Collaborated with other members of the product development team using Agile/SCRUM methodologies

                       Worked directly with Engineers, Project Managers in Netherlands via Skype


VA. Research Projects

1.  Analysis of the Transport for NSW/SIRA Linked Dataset - Multidimensional characteristics of all people injured in motor vehicle crashes

Sponsor: NSW State Insurance Regulatory Authority (SIRA)

Investigator(s): Prof. Bogdan Gabrys, Prof. Barry Drake, Mr. Thanh Tung Khuat, and Ms. Catriona Calantzis

Start Date: Feb, 2020                                                 End Date: Nov, 2020

2. Research on novel machine learning and data sampling techniques for software defect prediction problems

Sponsor: Scientific research Fund of the Ministry of Training and Education, Vietnam

Investigator(s): Dr. LE Thi My Hanh, KHUAT Thanh Tung, A/Prof. NGUYEN Thanh Binh

Start Date: Oct, 2018                                                  End Date: Jun, 2021

3. Accuracy improvement of software fault prediction problems on class-imbalanced datasets

Sponsor: Scientific research Fund of University of Science and Technology - The University of Danang, Vietnam

Investigator(s): Dr. LE Thi My Hanh, KHUAT Thanh Tung

Start Date: Feb, 2018                                                  End Date: Feb, 2019

4. Research on Nature inspired algorithms and applying for the software development effort estimation

Sponsor: Scientific research Fund of the University of Danang, Vietnam

Start Date: June 1, 2016                                                   End Date: May 31, 2018

Investigator(s): Dr. LE Thi My Hanh, KHUAT Thanh Tung

Content: Applying nature inspired algorithms such as Artificial Bee Colony, Teaching learning-based optimization, Teaching-Learning-based ABC, Fireworks Algorithm to enhance the accuracy of software development effort estimation models. This projects also proposes to use the Artificial Neural Networks optimized by nature inspired algorithms to predict the effort for the software development based on Agile process.

5. Stock Price Estimation

Investigator(s): KHUAT Thanh Tung, LE Quang Chanh, NGUYEN Thi Bich Loan, Dr. LE Thi My Hanh

Content: Applying Artificial Neural Networks, Fuzzy Logic, and optimization algorithms to predict the stock price based on open, close, high and low prices in time series data.

6. Test data generation for Simulink models

Investigator(s): Dr. LE Thi My Hanh, A/Prof. NGUYEN Thanh Binh, KHUAT Thanh Tung

Content: Applying genetic algorithms, artificial immune systems, simulated annealing algorithms to automatically generate test data for Simulink models based on Mutation analysis. We also propose novel algorithms and improved methods for fitness functions.

VB. Industry Projects

1. Technology Marketplace Portal (Associated with working as a Senior Software Engineer at FPT Software, Danang, Vietnam)

Client: PETRONAS, Malaysia

Task: Develop a web portal so that customers can introduce their products to PETRONAS. Meanwhile, researchers and managers at PETRONAS can communicate with their targeting partners easily. Completely automating the working processes from the product introduction to approval, deployment, and trackng of products.

Responsibilities: Key member for developing a web back-end API to interact with database and client sites. Contribute to architecture designing.

Environments: Visual Studio, C#, .NET Core, AngularJS, CSS, Entity Framework, SQL, HTML5, CICD.

2. FEI Microscope Availability Reporter (Associated with working as a Software Engineer at Sioux High-Tech, Danang, Vietnam)

Client: FEI Corporation, US 

Task: Develop an application processing data and drawing graph with the ability to import the required data from a microscope. 

Responsibilities: Organize and implement code, testing. 

Environments: Windows 8, Visual Studio, C#, WPF, ReSharper, DotCover tools. 

3. Smart Car Connected (Associated with working as a Software Engineer at Sioux High-Tech, Danang, Vietnam)

Client: Dutch Government 

Task: Develop a mobile application for intelligent traffic control system. 

Responsibilities: Design, implement code, testing. 

Environments: Windows 8, Linux, Android, iOS, Windows Phone 8, Visual Studio 2013, Xamarin Form 

4. Airside Pro Project (Associated with working as a Software Engineer at Sioux High-Tech, Danang, Vietnam)

Client: Italix Bird Control Group - Netherland 

Task: Develop an Android tablet application and Web site to control the bird in the airport, assign task for bird controllers as well as reporting the alert, dead bird, scare action from bird controllers to server. Mobile and Web are interacted through web service. Admin can manage all bird control activities in the airport, report and display statistic graph, the history of all actions.  

Responsibilities: Design, implement code, testing. 

Environments: Windows 8, Android Tablet, MVC .NET WebAPI , ASP .NET MVC, Amazon Web Service, Microsoft Azure, Visual Studio 2013, Xamarin 3.0 



  View list of my publications here.