Trip #138

Post date: Nov 26, 2012 3:02:55 PM

'Tis the season to be thankful and we have so much to be thankful for! For starters, we are so blessed to live in America!

Let's take a journey back in time and take a look at those first days in America! Visit Plimoth, MA to get the scoop!

See what life was like back in Pilgrim days, brought to you by Scholastic! Click here!

Now...visit Wordle and describe feelings.

Group #1: Describe how the Pilgrims felt while traveling on the Mayflower.

Group #2: Describe how the Pilgrims felt at the first Thanksgiving.

Group #3: Describe the feelings of the Wampanoag Indians at the first Thanksgiving.

Over the next several days, spend some time counting your blessings!