2014/01/23-JSMI2014 in Osaka
張貼日期:2017/2/5 下午 06:10:57
Dear FASMI members,
On behalf of the organizing committee of the forthcoming annual meeting of Japanese Society for Molecular Imaging, which will be help on May 22-23, 2014, in Osaka, Japan, I am pleased to inform you that we will organize the FASMI International Session at the 9th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society for Molecular Imaging, to which any of you could join from FASMI members. We would also like to announce that JSMI 2014 offers AWARD to five young researchers. The selected scientists will invited to give us an oral presentation in the session. The reimbursement will cover the registration fee, and the expenses including the international airfare, the accommodation and domestic transportation during the meeting.
Please fill the award application form, and submit it to the meeting office by email.
The deadline of the submission: February 25, 2014.
Decision notification: March 24, 2014.
Hidehiro Iida, PhD, DSc
Chairman, 9th Annual Meeting
Japanese Society for Molecular Imaging