2013/12/18-"Master of Molecular Imaging course"

張貼日期:2017/2/5 下午 06:07:40

Master of Molecular Imaging course for 2014 which is run as a collaboration between the University of Sydney and the University of Queensland. In 2014 it will be run over 3 full-time semesters (or 6 part-time) with the first 2 semesters being delivered online by distance learning and the final semester being a research project which the student can undertake in any imaging lab that is willing to host and supervise them (including our labs in Sydney and Brisbane). It will be running a webinar about the course on January 14 at 10:30 a.m. Sydney time.

Register: http://lnkd.in/bH-HEgi

View the recently recording at http://webconf.ucc.usyd.edu.au/p2xmrd2b94o