
Upcoming presentations


"Heterogeneity in Prices and Inflation over the Life Cycle," Empirical Economics, Volume 66, Issue 2, pages 651-670, February 2024. [View PDF]

"Menu Costs and Information Rigidity: Evidence from the Consumption Tax Hike in Japan," Journal of Macroeconomics, Volume 72, 103400, June 2022.

"Formation of Chinese Venture Capital Syndication Network" (with M. Nirei and F. Yu), Japanese Economic Review, Volume 72, Issue 1, 49-64, January 2021.  

"Policy Shocks and Expectations: Japan’s Experience during the Great Depression," The Economic Review (Keizai Kenkyu), Vol. 68, No. 1, 15-32, January 2017. (in Japanese) (English Abstract)

Working papers

"Anticipated Price Increase and Consumption Dynamics: Evidence from Japan," April 2024.

"Going Cashless: Government's Point Reward Program vs. COVID-19" (with T. Sekine and T. Watanabe), June 2022.

"Product Cycles and Prices: a Search Foundation" (with M. Dong and Y. Teranishi), April 2021. 

"Liquidity Constraints and a Surge in Storable Goods Demand: Evidence from Japan," August 2020.

Work in progress

・Firm-level Exchange Rate Pass-through Project (with S. Braguinsky, D. Miyakawa, and T. Okazaki)