2016-2017: Strategic Experimentation

At the bottom of this page is a list containing the articles to be discussed on the topic of Strategic Experimentation.

Two general references for this year's topic are this survey HORNER & SKRZYPACZ (2016), "Learning, Experimentation and Information Design", found at https://sites.google.com/site/jo4horner/home/working, and professor Horner's lecture notes at https://sites.google.com/site/jo4horner/home/teaching/econ-502a-fall-2013.

Students interested in presenting any of these papers should contact me at sarkisian.roberto@gmail.com to schedule a date.

  • BOLTON & HARRIS (1999). "Strategic Experimentation", Econometrica.
  • KELLER, RADY & CRIPPS (2004). "Strategic Experimentation with Exponential Bandits", Econometrica.
  • STRULOVICI (2010). "Learning while Voting: Determinants of Collective Experimentation", Econometrica.
  • FRICK & ISHII (2015). "Innovation Adoption by Forward-Looking Social Learners", working paper.
  • THOMAS (2015). "Strategic Experimentation with Congestion", working paper.
  • BERGEMANN & VALIMAKI (1996). "Learning and Strategic Pricing", Econometrica.
  • FELLI & HARRIS (1996). "Learning, Wage Dynamics and Firm-Specific Human Capital", Journal of Political Economy.
  • CALLANDER (2011). "Searching and Learning by Trial and Error", American Economic Review.
  • ROSENBERG, SOLAN & VIEILLE (2007). "Social Learning in One-Armed Bandit Problems", Econometrica.