Tips & Help

Tips & Help

Settings Dialog contains 4 Tabs: ( each tab settings will be described )

Main Settings | RAR Exrtation Settings | Folder Settings | Association & Update

Main Settings -> GUI

Drag and Drop all files -> This will enable to drag & drop all supported files without excluding any extra files such as ( par2 vol, samples, subs )

Drag and Drop subtitle files -> This will enable to drag & drop subs files only.

Drag and Drop SFV, MD5 files -> This will enable to drag & SFV, MD5 files and also allow Par2MultiChecker to verify these files beside PAR2 files.

Show details when run -> This will always show files details panel when you run Par2MultiChecker.

Expand and scroll details -> This will expand & also auto scroll each file in the details panel.

Collapse details after each file -> This will collapse each file when complete in the details panel.

Push start button when run -> This will make Par2MultiChecker to verify files when run ( by double click on files ) if the files are associated with Par2MultiChecker.

Show GUI on top of screen -> This will make Par2MultiChecker on top of screen of other windows.

Remember GUI ( size / location ) -> This will make Par2MultiChecker to restore the last form size & location when closed.

Snap GUI to screen border -> This will make Par2MultiChecker to snap of the edge of windows border.

Flash Taskbar / Beep when done -> This will make Par2MultiChecker when done to flash it's icon taskbar also play beep sound.

Show done dialog when done -> This will make Par2MultiChecker to show done dialog when done.

Store hash files in %AppData% -> This will make Par2MultiChecker to store hash files in your %AppData% folder instead of Par2MultiChecker installation folder.

Use 2 Process ( Verify then Repair ) -> This option will be very useful if you have low disk space on your hdd, becuase it will not create any temp files for missing files and also fast.

Main Settings -> Delete

PAR2 files -> This will delete all par2 files.

PAR2 volume files -> This will delete only par2 volume files.

Splited files -> This will delete all splitted files after joining it.

RAR archives -> This will delete all rar files after extracting it.

Unwanted files -> This will delete unwanted file extentions such as ( srr|nfo|txt|jpg ) - must be seperated with ASCII character vertical bar.

All files after extracting rar -> This will delete all the above but after extracting rar files.

Don't send files to Recycle Bin -> This will permanently delete the files without using Recycle Bin.

Main Settings -> Monitor

Push start button to scan every -> This will make Par2MultiChecker to scan ( verify ) files each xx minutes in the queued list.

Search for files in this path every -> This will make Par2MultiChecker to search for new files in the selected path each xx minutes to add it to the queue list.

RAR Extraction Settings -> RAR Extraction Settings

Auto extract RAR archives if par2 folder name contains -> This will make Par2MultiChecker to auto extract rar files if par2,sfv,md5 folder name contains onw of the following words such as ( XviD|DVD|NTSC|DivX ) - must be seperated with ASCII character vertical bar.

Extract RAR archives to the same folder path -> This will make Par2MultiChecker to extract rar files to the same path of the original rar files.

Extract RAR archives to another path -> This will make Par2MultiChecker to extract rar files to another path.

RAR Extraction Settings -> Append Settings

Append folder name -> This will append folder name of the rar files.

Append archive name -> This will append archive name of the rar files.

Just extract it as is -> This will not append any settings and will extract the files as is.

RAR Extraction Settings -> Rename Settings

Rename extracted files ( by removing this characters ) -> This will rename & remove all unwanted characters from the extracted files such as ( ~|!|@|$|%|^|&|+|-|=|;|'|,|#|_|.|[|] ) - must be seperated with ASCII character vertical bar.

Enable Smart Extractions -> This will extract rar files even if there is more blocks needed or even if there is missing files that is not a rar file.

Folder Settings -> Folder Move Settings

Move completed folders to -> This will move completed folders to another location.

Folder Settings -> Folder Rename Settings

Rename and add folder size to completed folders -> This will rename the completed folders and also add it's final size ( also will remove underscores and dots characters from it )

Also remove this characters from folders name -> This will rename & remove all unwanted characters from folders name such as ( ~|!|@|$|%|^|&|+|-|=|;|'|,|#|_|.|[|] ) - must be seperated with ASCII character vertical bar.

Also fix Group names when renaming folders -> This will rename & fix groups name that ends with -NAME

Association & Update -> Associate

This will allow Par2MultiChecker to assiociate PAR2, SFV, MD5 files.

Association & Update -> Updates

This will allow Par2MultiChecker to check for new updates.